Wiccan couple embracing after Pagan wedding
  • ~16 minute ceremony

This Wiccan/Pagan wedding ceremony script incorporates numerous Celtic traditions that guide this storied spiritual practice. Chief among these is the handbinding – an important part of many Wiccan/Pagan wedding nuptials. Customize the script as you see fit, or simply download it and print it out.

Welcome Statement

OFFICIANT (to congregation):

Welcome friends, family, and loved ones - all who come in piece to witness the union of _________ and _________. We are here today to celebrate with them and to share in their triumph as they proclaim their love for one another and the bond their souls have formed together.

Speech / Sermon / Introduction

OFFICIANT (to congregation):

For those who my not be familiar, a Handfasting ceremony is a little different from a traditional wedding ceremony in that it recognizes that love, like life, is dynamic. Traditionally, these ceremonies were done in Celtic lands, and vows could be taken for a year, or they could be taken forever, because those Celtic ancestors understood that love changes from moment to moment, and that every couple is unique - as is every relationship.

_________ and _________ have chosen to commit to one another today for the rest of their lives, but they understand that the love they commit to is dynamic and fluid, and what we celebrate is the eternal connection between the souls of _________ and _________, no matter what physical form their love may take.

Having spent some time with _________ and _________ before agreeing to officiate their handbinding, I’ve seen the evidence of that connection between these two souls. It’s in the way _________ smiles when she sees _________ come into the room, or when she lights up ever so slightly at the mention of his name. It’s the gleam in _________’s eye when he talks about _________, or the way he holds him/her/them close when they’re together. There’s no denying that these two souls are connected - and that is what we’ve gathered to celebrate - here in this moment - the love that _________ and _________ share between their spirits.

Declaration of Intent

OFFICIANT (to couple):

_________, _________, let there be no mistake. While the tradition of handbinding recognizes and accepts love as dynamic in nature, it is not to be entered into lightheartedly, because it is a sacred vow.

The vows you make today signify that your souls are bound eternally, whether or not your bodies are. You make these vows today with the understanding that you are committing to be a partner to one another, and to honor the connection your souls now share with one another. These vows are sacred, and they should not easily be broken, as you make them to one another in the site of these loved ones as witnesses.

Knowing this, _________ and _________ is it your intent to enter into this commitment to one another?

COUPLE: It is.

Handbinding Ceremony

OFFICIANT (to couple):

Then let us begin.

_________ and _________, you will be making six vows in total to one another before me and these witnesses. For each, I will ask _________ for his/her/their commitment first, then I will ask _________. Once they have both affirmed, we will move to the next vow.

OFFICIANT (to _________):

_________, will you share in _________’s pain, and seek to protect him/her/them from it and ease him/her/them of it?

_________: I will.

OFFICIANT (to _________):

_________, will you share in _________’s pain, and seek to protect him/her/them from it and ease him/her/them of it?

_________: I will

OFFICIANT: Then let the binding be so.

OFFICIANT (to _________):

_________, will you share in _________’s joy, rejoice in it with him/her/them, and look for the best in him/her/them always?

_________: I will.

OFFICIANT (to _________):

_________, will you share in _________’s joy, rejoice in it with him/her/them, and look for the best in him/her/them always?

_________: I will

OFFICIANT: Then let the binding be so.

OFFICIANT (to _________):

_________, will you share in _________’s hardships and toil, so that the two of you may grow together?

_________: I will.

OFFICIANT (to _________):

_________, will you share in _________’s hardships and toil, so that the two of you may grow together?

_________: I will

OFFICIANT: Then let the binding be so.

OFFICIANT (to _________):

_________, will you share in _________’s dreams and work with him/her/them to fulfill them?

_________: I will.

OFFICIANT (to _________):

_________, will you share in _________’s dreams and work with him/her/them to fulfill them?

_________: I will

OFFICIANT: Then let the binding be so.

OFFICIANT (to _________):

_________, will you use your anger to strengthen and temper the bond between you and _________?

_________: I will.

OFFICIANT (to _________):

_________, will you use your anger to strengthen and temper the bond between you and _________?

_________: I will

OFFICIANT: Then let the binding be so.

OFFICIANT (to _________):

_________, will you honor and respect _________, treating him/her/them as an equal in this bond?

_________: I will.

OFFICIANT (to _________):

_________, will you honor and respect _________, treating him/her/them as an equal in this bond?

_________: I will

OFFICIANT: Then let the binding be so.

Vow/Ring Exchange

OFFICIANT (to couple):

Now that the binding ceremony is complete, it’s time to seal your bond with the exchange of rings. The ring has a special significance within Wiccan, Pagan, and Celtic culture because it is a symbol of unbrokenness. It is also a symbol of completion - as the two of you are now complete.

OFFICIANT (to _________):

_________ please repeat after me: _________ I promise on this day to share your pain, your joy, your burdens, and your dreams, and to help you navigate the maze of life together as our love grows with us.

OFFICIANT (to _________):

_________ please repeat after me: _________, I promise on this day to share your pain, your joy, your burdens, and your dreams, and to help you navigate the maze of life together as our love grows with us.


OFFICIANT (to couple):

_________ and _________ having proclaimed the bond of your souls together in the sight of these witnesses, and based on the strength of that bond, and the power vested in me by the Universal Life Church and the state of _____________, I now pronounce you married.

Please seal your bond with a kiss!

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