~ Introductory Music ~
Wedding Script Generator
Are you preparing for an upcoming wedding ceremony, but having trouble finding the right words? Don't worry, you're not alone. Writing a wedding script is no simple task – which is why we decided to create an easy-to-use wedding ceremony script generator! Utilizing this helpful tool, ministers and couples alike are able to construct high-quality, customized wedding scripts in a matter of minutes.
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Whether you wish to hold a traditional Christian wedding, a contemporary Jewish vow renewal, or a simple non-religious ceremony, the generator has scores of options to help you tailor the ceremony script to fit nearly any occasion. After finalizing your script, you'll be able to download it for free directly from this page. It's as easy as that – off to the altar you go! Oh, and if there's anything else you need for the big day, don't forget to browse the full catalog available in our Minister Store.
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Welcome Statement
Minister: Dearly beloved, we meet here today to witness a sacred ceremony: the union of and . With great reverence, we come together to celebrate the love and devotion shared by these two children of God Allah the Universe the Elements that stand before us. We are especially blessed to be joined today by family and friends. The Groom and Bride couple are honored you could be here to participate in this important occasion.
As the Bible reminds us in Corinthians, "If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom
all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love,
I am nothing."
Let us join together in prayer: "Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who hath created joy and
gladness, bridegroom and bride, mirth and exultation, pleasure and delight, love and brotherhood, peace and
friendship. May there soon be heard in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem, the voice of joy
and gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the jubilant voice of bridegrooms from
the wedding canopy, and of youths from their feasts of song. Blessed art thou, O Lord, who gives the Bridegroom
joy in his bride."
I would now like to share this reading from Rumi:
The most living moment comes when those
who love each other meet each other's eyes
and in what flows between them then.
To see your face in a crowd of others,
or alone on a frightening street,
I weep for that.
Our tears improve the earth.
The time you scolded me, your gratitude,
your laughing,
always your qualities increase the soul.
Seeing you
is a wine that does not muddle or numb.
We sit inside the cypress shadow
where amazement and clear thought
twine its growth into it.
There are few greater joys in life than finding someone with whom we truly "click." In that spirit, I will now
share a short reading on soulmates from author Richard Bach:
"A soulmate is someone who has locks that fit our
keys, and keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and
we can be completely and honestly who we are; we can be loved for who we are and not for who we're pretending to
be. Each unveils the best part of the other. No matter what else goes wrong around us, with that one
person we're safe in our own paradise. Our soulmate is someone who shares our deepest longings, our sense of
direction. When we're two balloons, and together our direction is up, chances are we've found the right person.
Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life."
In the words of spiritual leader Thich Nhat Hanh:
"The Buddha spoke about four elements that constitute true love: the capacity to be kind and offer happiness,
maitri in Sanskrit, compassion, the capacity to relieve suffering, karuna; the capacity to bring joy every day,
mudita; and finally, the capacity of nondiscrimination, upeksha. When there is true love, there is
nondiscrimination. The pain of the other is our own pain; the happiness of the other is our own happiness...
To make our love meaningful, we need to nourish our bodhicitta, our mind of boundless love and compassion...
First, we learn to love one person with all our understanding and insight; then we expand that love to embrace
another person, and another, until our love is truly boundless."
In times past it was believed that the human soul shared characteristics with all things divine.
It is this belief which assigned virtues to the cardinal directions; East, South, West and North.
It is in this tradition that a blessing is offered in support of this ceremony.
Blessed be this union with the gifts of the East.
Communication of the heart, mind, and body
Fresh beginnings with the rising of each Sun.
The knowledge of the growth found in the sharing of silences.
Blessed be this union with the gifts of the South.
Warmth of hearth and home.
The heat of the heart's passion.
The light created by both to illuminate the darkest of times.
Blessed be this union with the gifts of the West.
The deep commitments of the lake The swift excitement of the river.
The refreshing cleansing of the rain.
The all encompassing passion of the sea.
Blessed be this union with the gifts of the North.
Firm foundation on which to build.
Fertility of the fields to enrich your lives.
A stable home to which you may always return.
Each of these blessings emphasizes those things which will help you build a happy and successful union.
Yet they are only tools. Tools which you must use together in order to create what you seek in this union.
Over the course of their relationship, and have developed a strong bond based on shared values and mutual respect. With a solid foundation from which to grow, they have made the decision to take the oath of marriage and spend the rest of their lives together.
Let us revel in the joy and love on display here today. May we treasure these memories as and , under the eyes of God, under the eyes of Allah, under the eyes of the Universe, under the fold of the Elements, get set to begin their new life together.
Family Blessing
Minister: Who gives this Bride today? Who gives this Groom today? Who gives this Spouse today?
Bride's Companion: I do. Groom's Companion: I do. Spouse's Companion: I do.
Speak Now
Minister: If anyone has cause to object to the forming of this union, speak now or forever hold your peace.
Wedding Sermon
Minister: (Addressing guests) Marriage is a venerated institution, and one deserving of deep reverence. Today we observe the union of and in holy matrimony, a commitment they have chosen to undertake with all the sincerity that it warrants.
While marriage is a sacred and serious tradition, it is also cause for tremendous joy. Married life is full of surprises, adventures, and memory-making – all made possible by the enduring power of love. When and finalize this union, they will begin a new life of partnership, one defined by shared hopes, dreams, and successes.
(Addressing couple) and , as you learn to live as one; you will encounter many challenges that can help you grow. Spend time doing the things that make life precious – cooperate with each other, always make time to laugh together, and never lose appreciation for the love that you share. Remember, too, to adhere to the vows that you will make today. Seek strength from each other, give hope to each other, and let your trials help you grow together. They say love can build bridges and climb mountains — and they're right. You will find that as it grows and matures over time, your love for one another will prove both fulfilling and empowering.
Yes, there will be challenges in life, but the strength of your bond will offer you protection against life's storms. Always make your relationship a priority, and continue to nurture each other. Through a commitment to love, and with the power of faith, together you will be able to navigate any obstacles that come your way.
Minister: Under the eyes of God, Under the eyes of Allah, Under the eyes of the Universe, Under the fold of the Elements, I solemnly bear witness to these matrimonial proceedings. I will now finalize the sacred covenant you shall both enter into on this day.
The rite of marriage is an ancient institution, an important ritual that binds two people together for the rest of their days. Today, as you form this union, you're choosing to take a vow that is as sacred today as it was to your ancestors.
The Bible makes note of the power of partnership in Ecclesiastes. It reminds us that "Two are better than one, because
they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?"
As is tradition, let us now read the Sheva Brachot, the Seven Benedictions:
Blessed are You, Adonai our God, King of the Universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine.
Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, Who has created everything for your glory.
Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, Creator of Human Beings.
Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, Who has fashioned human beings in your image, according to
your likeness and has fashioned from it a lasting mold. Blessed are You Adonai, Creator of Human Beings.
Bring intense joy and exultation to the barren one (Jerusalem) through the ingathering of her children amidst her
in gladness. Blessed are You, Adonai, Who gladdens Zion through her children.
Gladden the beloved companions as You gladdened Your creatures in the garden of Eden. Blessed are You, Adonai,
Who gladdens groom and bride.
Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, Who created joy and gladness, groom and bride, mirth,
glad song, pleasure, delight, love, brotherhood, peace, and companionship. Adonai, our God, let there soon be
heard in the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem the sound of joy and the sound of gladness, the voice
of the groom and the voice of the bride, the sound of the grooms' jubilance from their canopies and of the youths
from their song-filled feasts. Blessed are You Who causes the groom to rejoice with his bride.
At this time, I will recite a short prayer originally composed by Jennah Adam:
"I ask Allah The Glorious, The Light, The Creator of Good, to make you a happy couple; kind, nurturing, ardent,
sweet, polite, pacific yet passionate, caring without being suffocating, concerned but not intrusive, and strong
as a team while still remaining firm and independent on your own. May you be blessed with an abundance of wealth
and the gratitude to keep you humble."
Love is the soil from which life itself grows. As Carl Sagan famously wrote:
"The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth. We should remain grateful every day for the brief
but magnificent opportunity that life provides. The sum of all our evolution, our thinking and our accomplishments
is love."
Consider the guidance found in Buddha's sermon at Rajagaha:
"Do not deceive, do not despise each other anywhere. Do not be angry nor bear secret resentments; for as a mother
will risk her life and watches over her child, so boundless be your love to all, so tender, kind and mild. Cherish
good will right and left, early and late, and without hindrance, without stint, be free of hate and envy, while
standing and walking and sitting down, what ever you have in mind, the rule of life that is always best is to be
Before we proceed, I will first recite the Apache Wedding Prayer:
Now you will feel no rain,
for each of you will be shelter for the other.
Now you will feel no cold,
for each of you will be warmth to the other.
Now there will be no loneliness,
for each of you will be companion to the other.
Treat yourselves and each other with respect,
and remind yourselves often of what brought you together.
Give the highest priority to the tenderness,
gentleness and kindness that your connection deserves.
When frustration, difficulty and fear assail your relationship;
as they threaten all relationships at one time or another,
remember to focus on what is right between you,
not only the part which seems wrong.
In this way, you can ride out the storms
when clouds hide the face of the sun in your lives,
remembering that even if you lose sight of it
for a moment, the sun is still there.
And if each of you takes responsibility
for the quality of your life together,
it will be marked by abundance and delight."
Minister: and , I invite you to express your sacred vows to one another. Please face each other as you declare these vows before God before Allah before the Universe before the Elements and in the presence of your family and friends.
, you may start.
: (Groom states their vow...) I, , take you, , to be my lawfully wedded Wife. I promise to keep you by my side through good times and bad, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. I vow to stay true to you, honor you, and love you for the rest of my days, until death do us part.
, now is the time for your promise.
: (Bride states their vow...) I, , take you, , to be my lawfully wedded Husband. I promise to keep you by my side through good times and bad, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. I vow to stay true to you, honor you, and love you for the rest of my days, until death do us part.
Declaration of Intent
Minister: and , please join hands. Under the eyes of God, Under the eyes of Allah, Under the eyes of the Universe, Under the fold of the Elements, , do you take to be your lawfully wedded Wife? Do you promise to support her completely and love her unconditionally, so long as you both shall live?
I do.
Minister: Under the eyes of God, Under the eyes of Allah, Under the eyes of the Universe, Under the fold of the Elements, , do you take to be your lawfully wedded Husband? Do you promise to support him completely and love him unconditionally, so long as you both shall live?
I do.
Minister: Very well, let us proceed.
Candle Lighting
Minister: and , today we've had the great pleasure of witnessing your union become official. As a symbol of your bond, you will now light a unity candle – the flame of which is emblematic of your two souls coming together as one.
and will now receive a candle.
and , you each hold in your hand a flame. Think of this flame as a representation of your individual lives. Your dreams and sorrows, passions and fears, joys and disappointments – all reside within the light of this candle. Now, give one last look into this singular light, for it is about to merge with another.
Minister will pause for effect.
You will now light the center candle together.
and will now use their candles to light the larger candle between them.
The two flames now burn as one, just as your two spirits have formed an irreparable bond. This bond is powerful enough to help you through any difficulties and struggles that may arise. As your love steers you through the obstacle course that is life, remember that your lights burn brightest together.
Hand Fasting
Minister: and , having spoken the official words, now it is time for the fasting of your hands that will seal your union on a spiritual level. This ritual is one of deep significance. Please interlace your hands together, taking care to breathe slowly and focus on the connection being created.
and will join hands, right-hand to right-hand and left-hand to left-hand, in an interlocking fashion. Note: they may need help with this step, so be prepared to assist them with hand placement
Look deep into each other's eyes, and remember all you have experienced together – both the highs and the lows. Henceforth, you will be united in partnership – ready to support one another through both the joys and the sorrows.
It's now time to fasten your hands together, a tradition that has spanned generations. This act symbolizes a deep commitment to your shared union.
Officiant will now wrap the hand-fasting ribbon around couple's interlocked hands several times
Just as your hands are bound before us today, so too will your lives become. While this ribbon will soon be unwrapped, your spirits will forever be joined in unity from this moment forward. Let us acknowledge this special bond you share, and may your relationship be blessed with joy and happiness.
*Officiant pauses for effect, and then unwraps ribbon*
Sand Ceremony
Minister: and , today you have made sacred vows to finalize your union. To symbolize this new union, you will now combine these vials of sand to seal your spiritual bond.
and will each receive a vial of sand of their favorite color.
You each hold in your hand a distinct vessel of sand. Gaze into this vessel, allowing the sand within to symbolize your individual life. Visualize each grain of sand as a moment in time; either one that has already come and gone, or one yet to pass. This sand represents the waves endured over the course of time, every trial and tribulation that has been thrown your way. By the same token, it also encapsulates your joys, your achievements, and your triumphs. Reflect on these experiences, and the strength required to achieve your goals or overcome your challenges.
Together, slowly pour your sand into the common vessel.
and will then simultaneously pour their sand out into larger vessel
Just as your individual sands have combined together and melded into one, so too, and , will your lives be forever joined from this day forward. Similar to the grains of sand, your lives, now combined, can never be separated.
You will share your love, your joy, your hopes, your dreams and your fears with one another. Notice, too, that your mutual vessel of sand is now larger and more impressive – just as your lives have gained depth and meaning thanks to the love and support of your partner. Moving forward throughout life, always recognize the importance of this bond you share.
Jumping The Broom
Minister: and , today you have taken the vows of marriage. To mark the transition of starting your new life together, we will now commence the tradition of jumping the broom.
The officiant will hold the ceremonial broom while speaking, displaying it to the audience. Then place the broom on the floor in front of the Groom and Bride.
Take a moment to reflect on your relationship and all of the steps you've taken to get where you are today. What are your greatest joys? What are your deepest sorrows? What are the things that led you to each other's arms? Hold these things dear.
All of the pain and the beauty of life have led you to this place of time, together, where you are today. Each moment you have experienced has a dozen more that you will face together. Are you ready to take the plunge? When you're ready, grab your new spouse's hand, and jump over the broom together.
and join hands and jump over the broom.
Glass Stomping
Minister: and , this is a special day in both of your lives, and one you will no doubt cherish forever. Before we proceed, take a moment to reflect on every major decision and important experience that you've had over the years. Although you surely had no way of knowing at the time, each of those life events have led to right now, to this very moment.
Although you have spoken the words to finalize your commitment, you will now officially seal your union with the smashing of the glass. It is tradition that once the glass is shattered, we shall all shout "Mazel Tov".
As the officiant delivers the above message, the best man will wrap the glass in white cloth and place it on the floor before the couple. Once it's in place, the couple will stomp the glass.
This glass, now shattered, may never be reassembled. Similarly, the bond you have consecrated today is a permanent one. Your lives are now forever joined together through faith, love, and a sense of duty to one another.
Tree Planting
Minister: and , now that you've spoken the words to seal your union, you will now plant your marital tree to celebrate the joining of your two souls. Just as a tree lays down its roots over time, so will the both of you grow ever stronger together.
Give both and a small jar of soil. The sapling should be positioned prior to the ceremony, either in the ground or in a pot.
Each of you now holds soil from the earth. This soil represents your life, all of the ups and downs, laughter and heartache, hopes and dreams. Take a moment to reflect on all that you've been through up to this point. Think of your proudest moments and your deepest fears. Each molecule of soil represents a different experience that led you to this point in time.
Now give this soil to your tree together, bringing it life and health.
and now add their soil to the base of the tree.
As it matures, your relationship will become as sturdy and reliable as the trunk of this tree. Life may bring its storms, but they will pass, and beyond you will always find days of sunshine and joy. Just like your love, this tree will continue to thrive as it grows ever stronger.
Ring Exchange
Minister: It is now time to exchange the rings. The circle formed by each ring is a symbol of your love and eternal commitment to each other. May these rings remind you always of these sacred promises you've made to each other today in the company of your family and friends.
, you will go first. Please repeat after me as you place the ring on the hand of your loved one.
I, , give you, this ring as a symbol of my love, commitment, and the eternal vows we have made today to each other. With this ring, I thee wed.
, your turn.
I, , give you, this ring as a symbol of my love, commitment, and the eternal vows we have made today to each other. With this ring, I thee wed.
Minister: By the power vested in me, by the state of and by the Universal Life Church, I pronounce you, and as Husband and Wife, lawfully wedded before God. before Allah. before the Universe. before the Elements.
Minister: , you may now kiss the Bride. and , you may now kiss your spouse.
Minister: Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great honor that I officially present to you Mr. and Mrs. !!
~ Exit Music ~
~ Introductory Music ~
Welcome Statement
Minister: Welcome, and thank you all for joining us for this joyous occasion. Together, we are gathered here to witness a truly special ceremony: the union of and before God. before Allah. before the Universe. before the Elements.
and , today we celebrate the power of your love and the strength of your bond. Before we begin, take a moment to look around at the many friendly faces before you. Know that all are here to offer love, support, and encouragement as you embark on this incredible journey together.
As the Bible reminds us in Corinthians, "If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom
all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love,
I am nothing."
Let us join together in prayer: "Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who hath created joy and
gladness, bridegroom and bride, mirth and exultation, pleasure and delight, love and brotherhood, peace and
friendship. May there soon be heard in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem, the voice of joy
and gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the jubilant voice of bridegrooms from
the wedding canopy, and of youths from their feasts of song. Blessed art thou, O Lord, who gives the Bridegroom
joy in his bride."
I would now like to share this reading from Rumi:
The most living moment comes when those
who love each other meet each other's eyes
and in what flows between them then.
To see your face in a crowd of others,
or alone on a frightening street,
I weep for that.
Our tears improve the earth.
The time you scolded me, your gratitude,
your laughing,
always your qualities increase the soul.
Seeing you
is a wine that does not muddle or numb.
We sit inside the cypress shadow
where amazement and clear thought
twine its growth into it.
There are few greater joys in life than finding someone with whom we truly "click." In that spirit, I will now
share a short reading on soulmates from author Richard Bach:
"A soulmate is someone who has locks that fit our
keys, and keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and
we can be completely and honestly who we are; we can be loved for who we are and not for who we're pretending to
be. Each unveils the best part of the other. No matter what else goes wrong around us, with that one
person we're safe in our own paradise. Our soulmate is someone who shares our deepest longings, our sense of
direction. When we're two balloons, and together our direction is up, chances are we've found the right person.
Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life."
In the words of spiritual leader Thich Nhat Hanh:
"The Buddha spoke about four elements that constitute true love: the capacity to be kind and offer happiness,
maitri in Sanskrit, compassion, the capacity to relieve suffering, karuna; the capacity to bring joy every day,
mudita; and finally, the capacity of nondiscrimination, upeksha. When there is true love, there is
nondiscrimination. The pain of the other is our own pain; the happiness of the other is our own happiness...
To make our love meaningful, we need to nourish our bodhicitta, our mind of boundless love and compassion...
First, we learn to love one person with all our understanding and insight; then we expand that love to embrace
another person, and another, until our love is truly boundless."
In times past it was believed that the human soul shared characteristics with all things divine.
It is this belief which assigned virtues to the cardinal directions; East, South, West and North.
It is in this tradition that a blessing is offered in support of this ceremony.
Blessed be this union with the gifts of the East.
Communication of the heart, mind, and body
Fresh beginnings with the rising of each Sun.
The knowledge of the growth found in the sharing of silences.
Blessed be this union with the gifts of the South.
Warmth of hearth and home.
The heat of the heart's passion.
The light created by both to illuminate the darkest of times.
Blessed be this union with the gifts of the West.
The deep commitments of the lake The swift excitement of the river.
The refreshing cleansing of the rain.
The all encompassing passion of the sea.
Blessed be this union with the gifts of the North.
Firm foundation on which to build.
Fertility of the fields to enrich your lives.
A stable home to which you may always return.
Each of these blessings emphasizes those things which will help you build a happy and successful union.
Yet they are only tools. Tools which you must use together in order to create what you seek in this union.
May this ceremony provide you with wonderful memories to look back on and treasure for the rest of your days.
Family Blessing
Minister: Who gives this Who gives this Bride today? Who gives this Groom today? Who gives this Spouse today?
Bride's Companion: I do. Groom's Companion: I do. Spouse's Companion: I do.
Speak Now
Minister: If anyone has cause to object to the forming of this union, speak now or forever hold your peace.
Wedding Sermon
Minister: and , as you stand here today before God before Allah before the Universe before the Elements , realize that you are preparing to celebrate one of life's greatest gifts, the depths of which you have only begun to explore. Your level of love and commitment is something that many seek, but not everyone finds. The bond you share is a rarity in this world, and its fruits more valuable than any precious stone or metal.
Marriage, of course, is more than a formal exchange of rings. It is a sacred and solemn promise to one another that no matter what, you're in this together. Life is full of surprises – both positive and negative. By nature, it's impossible to know what is around the next bend. However, with a trusted partner by your side, you may take comfort in the unknown. Whatever storms may come, you will weather them together. That is the beauty of love: not only does it cradle us when we are feeling weak and tired, it creates a solid foundation on which we can always rely.
Henceforth, your lives will become permanently intertwined. The union you form today is built to withstand any and all challenges. Through sorrow and joy, through failure and success, through despair and triumph, your bond will persevere – buoyed by the everlasting love you share. With the vows exchanged today, you will both finalize this promise and begin life anew, together.
Minister: As we gather here under the eyes of God, under the eyes of Allah, under the eyes of the Universe, under the fold of the Elements, let us also recognize the seriousness of the occasion. Marriage is a profound, sincere commitment, and one worthy of our reverence.
The Bible makes note of the power of partnership in Ecclesiastes. It reminds us that "Two are better than one, because
they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?"
As is tradition, let us now read the Sheva Brachot, the Seven Benedictions:
Blessed are You, Adonai our God, King of the Universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine.
Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, Who has created everything for your glory.
Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, Creator of Human Beings.
Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, Who has fashioned human beings in your image, according to
your likeness and has fashioned from it a lasting mold. Blessed are You Adonai, Creator of Human Beings.
Bring intense joy and exultation to the barren one (Jerusalem) through the ingathering of her children amidst her
in gladness. Blessed are You, Adonai, Who gladdens Zion through her children.
Gladden the beloved companions as You gladdened Your creatures in the garden of Eden. Blessed are You, Adonai,
Who gladdens groom and bride.
Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, Who created joy and gladness, groom and bride, mirth,
glad song, pleasure, delight, love, brotherhood, peace, and companionship. Adonai, our God, let there soon be
heard in the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem the sound of joy and the sound of gladness, the voice
of the groom and the voice of the bride, the sound of the grooms' jubilance from their canopies and of the youths
from their song-filled feasts. Blessed are You Who causes the groom to rejoice with his bride.
At this time, I will recite a short prayer originally composed by Jennah Adam:
"I ask Allah The Glorious, The Light, The Creator of Good, to make you a happy couple; kind, nurturing, ardent,
sweet, polite, pacific yet passionate, caring without being suffocating, concerned but not intrusive, and strong
as a team while still remaining firm and independent on your own. May you be blessed with an abundance of wealth
and the gratitude to keep you humble."
Love is the soil from which life itself grows. As Carl Sagan famously wrote:
"The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth. We should remain grateful every day for the brief
but magnificent opportunity that life provides. The sum of all our evolution, our thinking and our accomplishments
is love."
Consider the guidance found in Buddha's sermon at Rajagaha:
"Do not deceive, do not despise each other anywhere. Do not be angry nor bear secret resentments; for as a mother
will risk her life and watches over her child, so boundless be your love to all, so tender, kind and mild. Cherish
good will right and left, early and late, and without hindrance, without stint, be free of hate and envy, while
standing and walking and sitting down, what ever you have in mind, the rule of life that is always best is to be
Before we proceed, I will first recite the Apache Wedding Prayer:
Now you will feel no rain,
for each of you will be shelter for the other.
Now you will feel no cold,
for each of you will be warmth to the other.
Now there will be no loneliness,
for each of you will be companion to the other.
Treat yourselves and each other with respect,
and remind yourselves often of what brought you together.
Give the highest priority to the tenderness,
gentleness and kindness that your connection deserves.
When frustration, difficulty and fear assail your relationship;
as they threaten all relationships at one time or another,
remember to focus on what is right between you,
not only the part which seems wrong.
In this way, you can ride out the storms
when clouds hide the face of the sun in your lives,
remembering that even if you lose sight of it
for a moment, the sun is still there.
And if each of you takes responsibility
for the quality of your life together,
it will be marked by abundance and delight."
I will now invite the Groom and Bride couple to exchange their vows.
Minister: and , you have prepared vows of commitment to share with one another.
, would you like to go first?
: (Groom states their vow...) , today I take you to be my Wife. As we join our lives together, I vow to be supportive, caring, and honest with you always. I promise to hold you close, to respect you fully, and to love you deeply. As your companion, your partner, and your best friend, I promise to stay by your side through thick and thin. I love you with all my heart, and I plan to remind you of that every day, from this day forward.
Minister: , whenever you're ready.
: (Bride states their vow...) , today I take you to be my Husband. As we join our lives together, I vow to be supportive, caring, and honest with you always. I promise to cherish you daily, to respect you fully, and to love you deeply. As your companion, your partner, and your best friend, I promise to stay by your side through thick and thin. I love you with all my heart, and I plan to remind you of that every day, from this day forward.
Declaration of Intent
Minister: and , you will now hold hands.
, do you take as your Wife and your companion? Do you promise to share her laughter during the good times and wipe her tears during the bad, from this day forward?
: I Do
Minister: , do you take as your Husband and companion? Do you promise to share his laughter during the good times and wipe his tears during the bad, from this day forward?
: I Do
Minister: Let us proceed.
Candle Lighting
Minister: and , today we've had the great pleasure of witnessing your union become official. As a symbol of your bond, you will now light a unity candle – the flame of which is emblematic of your two souls coming together as one.
and will now receive a candle.
and , you each hold in your hand a flame. Think of this flame as a representation of your individual lives. Your dreams and sorrows, passions and fears, joys and disappointments – all reside within the light of this candle. Now, give one last look into this singular light, for it is about to merge with another.
Minister will pause for effect.
You will now light the center candle together.
and will now use their candles to light the larger candle between them.
The two flames now burn as one, just as your two spirits have formed an irreparable bond. This bond is powerful enough to help you through any difficulties and struggles that may arise. As your love steers you through the obstacle course that is life, remember that your lights burn brightest together.
Hand Fasting
Minister: and , having spoken the official words, now it is time for the fasting of your hands that will seal your union on a spiritual level. This ritual is one of deep significance. Please interlace your hands together, taking care to breathe slowly and focus on the connection being created.
and will join hands, right-hand to right-hand and left-hand to left-hand, in an interlocking fashion. Note: they may need help with this step, so be prepared to assist them with hand placement
Look deep into each other's eyes, and remember all you have experienced together – both the highs and the lows. Henceforth, you will be united in partnership – ready to support one another through both the joys and the sorrows.
It's now time to fasten your hands together, a tradition that has spanned generations. This act symbolizes a deep commitment to your shared union.
Officiant will now wrap the hand-fasting ribbon around couple's interlocked hands several times
Just as your hands are bound before us today, so too will your lives become. While this ribbon will soon be unwrapped, your spirits will forever be joined in unity from this moment forward. Let us acknowledge this special bond you share, and may your relationship be blessed with joy and happiness.
*Officiant pauses for effect, and then unwraps ribbon*
Sand Ceremony
Minister: and , today you have made sacred vows to finalize your union. To symbolize this new union, you will now combine these vials of sand to seal your spiritual bond.
and will each receive a vial of sand of their favorite color.
You each hold in your hand a distinct vessel of sand. Gaze into this vessel, allowing the sand within to symbolize your individual life. Visualize each grain of sand as a moment in time; either one that has already come and gone, or one yet to pass. This sand represents the waves endured over the course of time, every trial and tribulation that has been thrown your way. By the same token, it also encapsulates your joys, your achievements, and your triumphs. Reflect on these experiences, and the strength required to achieve your goals or overcome your challenges.
Together, slowly pour your sand into the common vessel.
and will then simultaneously pour their sand out into larger vessel
Just as your individual sands have combined together and melded into one, so too, and , will your lives be forever joined from this day forward. Similar to the grains of sand, your lives, now combined, can never be separated.
You will share your love, your joy, your hopes, your dreams and your fears with one another. Notice, too, that your mutual vessel of sand is now larger and more impressive – just as your lives have gained depth and meaning thanks to the love and support of your partner. Moving forward throughout life, always recognize the importance of this bond you share.
Jumping The Broom
Minister: and , today you have taken the vows of marriage. To mark the transition of starting your new life together, we will now commence the tradition of jumping the broom.
The officiant will hold the ceremonial broom while speaking, displaying it to the audience. Then place the broom on the floor in front of the Groom and Bride.
Take a moment to reflect on your relationship and all of the steps you've taken to get where you are today. What are your greatest joys? What are your deepest sorrows? What are the things that led you to each other's arms? Hold these things dear.
All of the pain and the beauty of life have led you to this place of time, together, where you are today. Each moment you have experienced has a dozen more that you will face together. Are you ready to take the plunge? When you're ready, grab your new spouse's hand, and jump over the broom together.
and join hands and jump over the broom.
Glass Stomping
Minister: and , this is a special day in both of your lives, and one you will no doubt cherish forever. Before we proceed, take a moment to reflect on every major decision and important experience that you've had over the years. Although you surely had no way of knowing at the time, each of those life events have led to right now, to this very moment.
Although you have spoken the words to finalize your commitment, you will now officially seal your union with the smashing of the glass. It is tradition that once the glass is shattered, we shall all shout "Mazel Tov".
As the officiant delivers the above message, the best man will wrap the glass in white cloth and place it on the floor before the couple. Once it's in place, the couple will stomp the glass.
This glass, now shattered, may never be reassembled. Similarly, the bond you have consecrated today is a permanent one. Your lives are now forever joined together through faith, love, and a sense of duty to one another.
Tree Planting
Minister: and , now that you've spoken the words to seal your union, you will now plant your marital tree to celebrate the joining of your two souls. Just as a tree lays down its roots over time, so will the both of you grow ever stronger together.
Give both and a small jar of soil. The sapling should be positioned prior to the ceremony, either in the ground or in a pot.
Each of you now holds soil from the earth. This soil represents your life, all of the ups and downs, laughter and heartache, hopes and dreams. Take a moment to reflect on all that you've been through up to this point. Think of your proudest moments and your deepest fears. Each molecule of soil represents a different experience that led you to this point in time.
Now give this soil to your tree together, bringing it life and health.
and now add their soil to the base of the tree.
As it matures, your relationship will become as sturdy and reliable as the trunk of this tree. Life may bring its storms, but they will pass, and beyond you will always find days of sunshine and joy. Just like your love, this tree will continue to thrive as it grows ever stronger.
Ring Exchange
Minister: The wedding ring is a symbol of the unending power of love between two beings. Its circular shape has no beginning and no end, representing a boundless spiritual connection. The rings should be worn proudly as a symbol of the commitment between you and your spouse. Even when you find yourselves apart, your rings will provide a powerful reminder of the eternal love you share.
Please repeat after me:
With this ring, I, , commit my love to you, , for all time, giving you all that I am and all that I will be. Please accept it as a symbol of my love.
With this ring, I, , commit my love to you, for all time, giving you all that I am and all that I will be. Please accept it as a symbol of my love.
Minister: Family and friends, by the power vested in me by the Universal Life Church and by the state of , I now formally pronounce and to be Husband and Wife. Let us celebrate their union!
Minister: , you may now kiss the Bride. and , you may now kiss your spouse.
Minister: and , may you enjoy a lifetime of sunrises and sunsets together. Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to present, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. !
~ Exit Music ~
~ Introductory Music ~
Welcome Statement
Minister: We are gathered here today to witness the union of and . Welcome friends and family! We're glad to have you with us.
Today is the beginning of a remarkable journey for this couple. Drawing on their mutual admiration, respect, and trust, they are ready to embark on the next chapter in their lives. We celebrate the love and light evident in their relationship, and wish them well on this joyous occasion.
Family Blessing
Minister: Who gives this Bride today? Who gives this Groom today? Who gives this Spouse today?
Bride's Companion: I do. Groom's Companion: I do. Spouse's Companion: I do.
Speak Now
Minister: If anyone has cause to object to the forming of this union, speak now or forever hold your peace.
Wedding Sermon
Minister: Marriage is an integral part of the human tradition. Let us remember, as we stand here before God before Allah before the Universe before the Elements , that the vows taken today hold great importance, just as they did to our ancestors. As individuals, we make the choice to enter the union of marriage in order to share all aspects of ourselves with our soulmate. Today, this is true for and .
As the Bible reminds us in Corinthians, "If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom
all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love,
I am nothing."
Let us join together in prayer: "Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who hath created joy and
gladness, bridegroom and bride, mirth and exultation, pleasure and delight, love and brotherhood, peace and
friendship. May there soon be heard in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem, the voice of joy
and gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the jubilant voice of bridegrooms from
the wedding canopy, and of youths from their feasts of song. Blessed art thou, O Lord, who gives the Bridegroom
joy in his bride."
I would now like to share this reading from Rumi:
The most living moment comes when those
who love each other meet each other's eyes
and in what flows between them then.
To see your face in a crowd of others,
or alone on a frightening street,
I weep for that.
Our tears improve the earth.
The time you scolded me, your gratitude,
your laughing,
always your qualities increase the soul.
Seeing you
is a wine that does not muddle or numb.
We sit inside the cypress shadow
where amazement and clear thought
twine its growth into it.
There are few greater joys in life than finding someone with whom we truly "click." In that spirit, I will now
share a short reading on soulmates from author Richard Bach:
"A soulmate is someone who has locks that fit our
keys, and keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and
we can be completely and honestly who we are; we can be loved for who we are and not for who we're pretending to
be. Each unveils the best part of the other. No matter what else goes wrong around us, with that one
person we're safe in our own paradise. Our soulmate is someone who shares our deepest longings, our sense of
direction. When we're two balloons, and together our direction is up, chances are we've found the right person.
Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life."
In the words of spiritual leader Thich Nhat Hanh:
"The Buddha spoke about four elements that constitute true love: the capacity to be kind and offer happiness,
maitri in Sanskrit, compassion, the capacity to relieve suffering, karuna; the capacity to bring joy every day,
mudita; and finally, the capacity of nondiscrimination, upeksha. When there is true love, there is
nondiscrimination. The pain of the other is our own pain; the happiness of the other is our own happiness...
To make our love meaningful, we need to nourish our bodhicitta, our mind of boundless love and compassion...
First, we learn to love one person with all our understanding and insight; then we expand that love to embrace
another person, and another, until our love is truly boundless."
In times past it was believed that the human soul shared characteristics with all things divine.
It is this belief which assigned virtues to the cardinal directions; East, South, West and North.
It is in this tradition that a blessing is offered in support of this ceremony.
Blessed be this union with the gifts of the East.
Communication of the heart, mind, and body
Fresh beginnings with the rising of each Sun.
The knowledge of the growth found in the sharing of silences.
Blessed be this union with the gifts of the South.
Warmth of hearth and home.
The heat of the heart's passion.
The light created by both to illuminate the darkest of times.
Blessed be this union with the gifts of the West.
The deep commitments of the lake The swift excitement of the river.
The refreshing cleansing of the rain.
The all encompassing passion of the sea.
Blessed be this union with the gifts of the North.
Firm foundation on which to build.
Fertility of the fields to enrich your lives.
A stable home to which you may always return.
Each of these blessings emphasizes those things which will help you build a happy and successful union.
Yet they are only tools. Tools which you must use together in order to create what you seek in this union.
Minister: Under the eyes of God, Under the eyes of Allah, Under the eyes of the Universe, Under the fold of the Elements, together we take a moment to acknowledge the seriousness of the commitment being entered into today. With great joy, we also recognize the special bond shared by and .
The Bible makes note of the power of partnership in Ecclesiastes. It reminds us that "Two are better than one, because
they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?"
As is tradition, let us now read the Sheva Brachot, the Seven Benedictions:
Blessed are You, Adonai our God, King of the Universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine.
Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, Who has created everything for your glory.
Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, Creator of Human Beings.
Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, Who has fashioned human beings in your image, according to
your likeness and has fashioned from it a lasting mold. Blessed are You Adonai, Creator of Human Beings.
Bring intense joy and exultation to the barren one (Jerusalem) through the ingathering of her children amidst her
in gladness. Blessed are You, Adonai, Who gladdens Zion through her children.
Gladden the beloved companions as You gladdened Your creatures in the garden of Eden. Blessed are You, Adonai,
Who gladdens groom and bride.
Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, Who created joy and gladness, groom and bride, mirth,
glad song, pleasure, delight, love, brotherhood, peace, and companionship. Adonai, our God, let there soon be
heard in the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem the sound of joy and the sound of gladness, the voice
of the groom and the voice of the bride, the sound of the grooms' jubilance from their canopies and of the youths
from their song-filled feasts. Blessed are You Who causes the groom to rejoice with his bride.
At this time, I will recite a short prayer originally composed by Jennah Adam:
"I ask Allah The Glorious, The Light, The Creator of Good, to make you a happy couple; kind, nurturing, ardent,
sweet, polite, pacific yet passionate, caring without being suffocating, concerned but not intrusive, and strong
as a team while still remaining firm and independent on your own. May you be blessed with an abundance of wealth
and the gratitude to keep you humble."
Love is the soil from which life itself grows. As Carl Sagan famously wrote:
"The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth. We should remain grateful every day for the brief
but magnificent opportunity that life provides. The sum of all our evolution, our thinking and our accomplishments
is love."
Consider the guidance found in Buddha's sermon at Rajagaha:
"Do not deceive, do not despise each other anywhere. Do not be angry nor bear secret resentments; for as a mother
will risk her life and watches over her child, so boundless be your love to all, so tender, kind and mild. Cherish
good will right and left, early and late, and without hindrance, without stint, be free of hate and envy, while
standing and walking and sitting down, what ever you have in mind, the rule of life that is always best is to be
Before we proceed, I will first recite the Apache Wedding Prayer:
Now you will feel no rain,
for each of you will be shelter for the other.
Now you will feel no cold,
for each of you will be warmth to the other.
Now there will be no loneliness,
for each of you will be companion to the other.
Treat yourselves and each other with respect,
and remind yourselves often of what brought you together.
Give the highest priority to the tenderness,
gentleness and kindness that your connection deserves.
When frustration, difficulty and fear assail your relationship;
as they threaten all relationships at one time or another,
remember to focus on what is right between you,
not only the part which seems wrong.
In this way, you can ride out the storms
when clouds hide the face of the sun in your lives,
remembering that even if you lose sight of it
for a moment, the sun is still there.
And if each of you takes responsibility
for the quality of your life together,
it will be marked by abundance and delight."
Minister: I will now invite the couple to share their vows with one another. and , the promises you make today are sacred; they are the groundwork from which your marriage will grow and blossom over time.
, would you like to begin first?
: (Groom states their vow...) , today you will become my Wife. I promise to love you with all my heart, from now until eternity. I cannot wait to begin building our life together.
Minister: , your turn.
: (Bride states their vow...) , today you will become my Husband. I promise to love you with all my heart, from now until eternity. I cannot wait to begin building our life together.
Minister: Let us proceed.
Declaration of Intent
Minister: and , it's time to join hands.
, before your family and friends, do you take as your beloved Wife, to have and to hold, through laughter and in sadness, through challenges and successes, so long as you both shall live?
: I do.
Minister: , before your family and friends, do you take as your beloved Husband, to have and to hold, through laughter and in sadness, through challenges and successes, so long as you both shall live?
: I do.
Candle Lighting
Minister: and , today we've had the great pleasure of witnessing your union become official. As a symbol of your bond, you will now light a unity candle – the flame of which is emblematic of your two souls coming together as one.
and will now receive a candle.
and , you each hold in your hand a flame. Think of this flame as a representation of your individual lives. Your dreams and sorrows, passions and fears, joys and disappointments – all reside within the light of this candle. Now, give one last look into this singular light, for it is about to merge with another.
Minister will pause for effect.
You will now light the center candle together.
and will now use their candles to light the larger candle between them.
The two flames now burn as one, just as your two spirits have formed an irreparable bond. This bond is powerful enough to help you through any difficulties and struggles that may arise. As your love steers you through the obstacle course that is life, remember that your lights burn brightest together.
Hand Fasting
Minister: and , having spoken the official words, now it is time for the fasting of your hands that will seal your union on a spiritual level. This ritual is one of deep significance. Please interlace your hands together, taking care to breathe slowly and focus on the connection being created.
and will join hands, right-hand to right-hand and left-hand to left-hand, in an interlocking fashion. Note: they may need help with this step, so be prepared to assist them with hand placement
Look deep into each other's eyes, and remember all you have experienced together – both the highs and the lows. Henceforth, you will be united in partnership – ready to support one another through both the joys and the sorrows.
It's now time to fasten your hands together, a tradition that has spanned generations. This act symbolizes a deep commitment to your shared union.
Officiant will now wrap the hand-fasting ribbon around couple's interlocked hands several times
Just as your hands are bound before us today, so too will your lives become. While this ribbon will soon be unwrapped, your spirits will forever be joined in unity from this moment forward. Let us acknowledge this special bond you share, and may your relationship be blessed with joy and happiness.
*Officiant pauses for effect, and then unwraps ribbon*
Sand Ceremony
Minister: and , today you have made sacred vows to finalize your union. To symbolize this new union, you will now combine these vials of sand to seal your spiritual bond.
and will each receive a vial of sand of their favorite color.
You each hold in your hand a distinct vessel of sand. Gaze into this vessel, allowing the sand within to symbolize your individual life. Visualize each grain of sand as a moment in time; either one that has already come and gone, or one yet to pass. This sand represents the waves endured over the course of time, every trial and tribulation that has been thrown your way. By the same token, it also encapsulates your joys, your achievements, and your triumphs. Reflect on these experiences, and the strength required to achieve your goals or overcome your challenges.
Together, slowly pour your sand into the common vessel.
and will then simultaneously pour their sand out into larger vessel
Just as your individual sands have combined together and melded into one, so too, and , will your lives be forever joined from this day forward. Similar to the grains of sand, your lives, now combined, can never be separated.
You will share your love, your joy, your hopes, your dreams and your fears with one another. Notice, too, that your mutual vessel of sand is now larger and more impressive – just as your lives have gained depth and meaning thanks to the love and support of your partner. Moving forward throughout life, always recognize the importance of this bond you share.
Jumping The Broom
Minister: and , today you have taken the vows of marriage. To mark the transition of starting your new life together, we will now commence the tradition of jumping the broom.
The officiant will hold the ceremonial broom while speaking, displaying it to the audience. Then place the broom on the floor in front of the Groom and Bride.
Take a moment to reflect on your relationship and all of the steps you've taken to get where you are today. What are your greatest joys? What are your deepest sorrows? What are the things that led you to each other's arms? Hold these things dear.
All of the pain and the beauty of life have led you to this place of time, together, where you are today. Each moment you have experienced has a dozen more that you will face together. Are you ready to take the plunge? When you're ready, grab your new spouse's hand, and jump over the broom together.
and join hands and jump over the broom.
Glass Stomping
Minister: and , this is a special day in both of your lives, and one you will no doubt cherish forever. Before we proceed, take a moment to reflect on every major decision and important experience that you've had over the years. Although you surely had no way of knowing at the time, each of those life events have led to right now, to this very moment.
Although you have spoken the words to finalize your commitment, you will now officially seal your union with the smashing of the glass. It is tradition that once the glass is shattered, we shall all shout "Mazel Tov".
As the officiant delivers the above message, the best man will wrap the glass in white cloth and place it on the floor before the couple. Once it's in place, the couple will stomp the glass.
This glass, now shattered, may never be reassembled. Similarly, the bond you have consecrated today is a permanent one. Your lives are now forever joined together through faith, love, and a sense of duty to one another.
Tree Planting
Minister: and , now that you've spoken the words to seal your union, you will now plant your marital tree to celebrate the joining of your two souls. Just as a tree lays down its roots over time, so will the both of you grow ever stronger together.
Give both and a small jar of soil. The sapling should be positioned prior to the ceremony, either in the ground or in a pot.
Each of you now holds soil from the earth. This soil represents your life, all of the ups and downs, laughter and heartache, hopes and dreams. Take a moment to reflect on all that you've been through up to this point. Think of your proudest moments and your deepest fears. Each molecule of soil represents a different experience that led you to this point in time.
Now give this soil to your tree together, bringing it life and health.
and now add their soil to the base of the tree.
As it matures, your relationship will become as sturdy and reliable as the trunk of this tree. Life may bring its storms, but they will pass, and beyond you will always find days of sunshine and joy. Just like your love, this tree will continue to thrive as it grows ever stronger.
Ring Exchange
Minister: Wedding rings are a traditional symbol of the strength of the bond between two soulmates. This bond is never broken, and continues in a perpetual circle, glowing with the warmth and eternal light of two souls in a perfect union. By wearing these rings, you will be always reminded of the connection you share and the vows you have made today.
Please repeat after me:
I, , present you, , with this ring as a symbol of our everlasting love. Let it never lose its luster, just as my love for you will never fade.
I, , present you, , with this ring as a symbol of our everlasting love. Let it never lose its luster, just as my love for you will never fade.
Minister: and , by the power vested in me by the Universal Life Church and by the state of , under the eyes of God, under the eyes of Allah, under the eyes of the Universe, under the fold of the Elements, I happily pronounce you Husband and Wife!
Minister: , you may now kiss the Bride. and , you may now kiss your spouse.
Minister: Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time, I give you Mr. and Mrs. !!
~ Exit Music ~
~ Introductory Music ~
Welcome Statement
Minister: and , it is such a pleasure to share this wonderful occasion with you. Those who have never experienced marriage rarely understand its complexities. Many people, for example, view the wedding as the ultimate milestone in a relationship.
However, as anyone who's been married can tell you, walking down the aisle is far from the final hurdle a couple takes together. If anything, getting married is only the beginning. Although there no doubt were challenges along the way, you two have remained committed to one another through the years, and that's something truly worth celebrating. Thanks to your dedication and hard work, you now have the opportunity to renew those sacred vows you made before God before Allah before the Universe before the Elements all that time ago.
As the Bible reminds us in Corinthians, "If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom
all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love,
I am nothing."
Let us join together in prayer: "Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who hath created joy and
gladness, bridegroom and bride, mirth and exultation, pleasure and delight, love and brotherhood, peace and
friendship. May there soon be heard in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem, the voice of joy
and gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the jubilant voice of bridegrooms from
the wedding canopy, and of youths from their feasts of song. Blessed art thou, O Lord, who gives the Bridegroom
joy in his bride."
I would now like to share this reading from Rumi:
The most living moment comes when those
who love each other meet each other's eyes
and in what flows between them then.
To see your face in a crowd of others,
or alone on a frightening street,
I weep for that.
Our tears improve the earth.
The time you scolded me, your gratitude,
your laughing,
always your qualities increase the soul.
Seeing you
is a wine that does not muddle or numb.
We sit inside the cypress shadow
where amazement and clear thought
twine its growth into it.
There are few greater joys in life than finding someone with whom we truly "click." In that spirit, I will now
share a short reading on soulmates from author Richard Bach:
"A soulmate is someone who has locks that fit our
keys, and keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and
we can be completely and honestly who we are; we can be loved for who we are and not for who we're pretending to
be. Each unveils the best part of the other. No matter what else goes wrong around us, with that one
person we're safe in our own paradise. Our soulmate is someone who shares our deepest longings, our sense of
direction. When we're two balloons, and together our direction is up, chances are we've found the right person.
Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life."
In the words of spiritual leader Thich Nhat Hanh:
"The Buddha spoke about four elements that constitute true love: the capacity to be kind and offer happiness,
maitri in Sanskrit, compassion, the capacity to relieve suffering, karuna; the capacity to bring joy every day,
mudita; and finally, the capacity of nondiscrimination, upeksha. When there is true love, there is
nondiscrimination. The pain of the other is our own pain; the happiness of the other is our own happiness...
To make our love meaningful, we need to nourish our bodhicitta, our mind of boundless love and compassion...
First, we learn to love one person with all our understanding and insight; then we expand that love to embrace
another person, and another, until our love is truly boundless."
In times past it was believed that the human soul shared characteristics with all things divine.
It is this belief which assigned virtues to the cardinal directions; East, South, West and North.
It is in this tradition that a blessing is offered in support of this ceremony.
Blessed be this union with the gifts of the East.
Communication of the heart, mind, and body
Fresh beginnings with the rising of each Sun.
The knowledge of the growth found in the sharing of silences.
Blessed be this union with the gifts of the South.
Warmth of hearth and home.
The heat of the heart's passion.
The light created by both to illuminate the darkest of times.
Blessed be this union with the gifts of the West.
The deep commitments of the lake The swift excitement of the river.
The refreshing cleansing of the rain.
The all encompassing passion of the sea.
Blessed be this union with the gifts of the North.
Firm foundation on which to build.
Fertility of the fields to enrich your lives.
A stable home to which you may always return.
Each of these blessings emphasizes those things which will help you build a happy and successful union.
Yet they are only tools. Tools which you must use together in order to create what you seek in this union.
Before we proceed, a quick thank you to the family and friends who've gathered today to help us celebrate this vow renewal. For those of you who were in attendance at the original ceremony, today's proceedings will be extra special. You've watched a relationship grow and transform over time, and having been witness to their union from its beginning, this experience will surely carry even greater meaning.
Without further ado, let us move forward. It is with great honor that we prepare for and to renew their marriage vows — an act which symbolizes their shared love, dedication, and devotion to one another.
Wedding Sermon
Minister: Building a partnership capable of withstanding the test of time is no small accomplishment. Life has many highs, but it comes with its share of lows as well. It's a testament to the strength of your union that the two of you stand before us today, ready to renew your vows. Let us appreciate all that you have achieved together.
At the same time, recognize that there is always more work to be done. As you well understand by now, marriage is a life-long journey, one that requires constant care, effort, and attention. Together, you must continue to spend time improving your relationship. Building on the solid foundation you've cultivated over the years, seek to create even more depth and strength in your partnership moving forward.
The future always brings with it uncertainty. Be ever-ready to support one another. Drawing on the lessons learned over the course of your marriage, work together to face any challenges that may arise head-on.
Through this renewal of your sacred vows, you will be given the chance to put your love into words before all those in attendance, and reaffirm your continued commitment to one another.
Minister: As we witness the renewal of this sacred bond under the eyes of God, under the eyes of Allah, under the eyes of the Universe, under the fold of the Elements, let us also remember that the promises spoken here today are no less serious than when they were originally made.
The Bible makes note of the power of partnership in Ecclesiastes. It reminds us that "Two are better than one, because
they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?"
As is tradition, let us now read the Sheva Brachot, the Seven Benedictions:
Blessed are You, Adonai our God, King of the Universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine.
Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, Who has created everything for your glory.
Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, Creator of Human Beings.
Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, Who has fashioned human beings in your image, according to
your likeness and has fashioned from it a lasting mold. Blessed are You Adonai, Creator of Human Beings.
Bring intense joy and exultation to the barren one (Jerusalem) through the ingathering of her children amidst her
in gladness. Blessed are You, Adonai, Who gladdens Zion through her children.
Gladden the beloved companions as You gladdened Your creatures in the garden of Eden. Blessed are You, Adonai,
Who gladdens groom and bride.
Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, Who created joy and gladness, groom and bride, mirth,
glad song, pleasure, delight, love, brotherhood, peace, and companionship. Adonai, our God, let there soon be
heard in the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem the sound of joy and the sound of gladness, the voice
of the groom and the voice of the bride, the sound of the grooms' jubilance from their canopies and of the youths
from their song-filled feasts. Blessed are You Who causes the groom to rejoice with his bride.
At this time, I will recite a short prayer originally composed by Jennah Adam:
"I ask Allah The Glorious, The Light, The Creator of Good, to make you a happy couple; kind, nurturing, ardent,
sweet, polite, pacific yet passionate, caring without being suffocating, concerned but not intrusive, and strong
as a team while still remaining firm and independent on your own. May you be blessed with an abundance of wealth
and the gratitude to keep you humble."
Love is the soil from which life itself grows. As Carl Sagan famously wrote:
"The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth. We should remain grateful every day for the brief
but magnificent opportunity that life provides. The sum of all our evolution, our thinking and our accomplishments
is love."
Consider the guidance found in Buddha's sermon at Rajagaha:
"Do not deceive, do not despise each other anywhere. Do not be angry nor bear secret resentments; for as a mother
will risk her life and watches over her child, so boundless be your love to all, so tender, kind and mild. Cherish
good will right and left, early and late, and without hindrance, without stint, be free of hate and envy, while
standing and walking and sitting down, what ever you have in mind, the rule of life that is always best is to be
Before we proceed, I will first recite the Apache Wedding Prayer:
Now you will feel no rain,
for each of you will be shelter for the other.
Now you will feel no cold,
for each of you will be warmth to the other.
Now there will be no loneliness,
for each of you will be companion to the other.
Treat yourselves and each other with respect,
and remind yourselves often of what brought you together.
Give the highest priority to the tenderness,
gentleness and kindness that your connection deserves.
When frustration, difficulty and fear assail your relationship;
as they threaten all relationships at one time or another,
remember to focus on what is right between you,
not only the part which seems wrong.
In this way, you can ride out the storms
when clouds hide the face of the sun in your lives,
remembering that even if you lose sight of it
for a moment, the sun is still there.
And if each of you takes responsibility
for the quality of your life together,
it will be marked by abundance and delight."
With a combination of reverence and delight, we will now proceed.
Minister: and , I now invite you to share your vows of recommitment.
, would you like to begin?
: (Groom states their vow...) Marriage is far from easy, but if you find the right person, it is worth every minute. Not all partnerships last as long as ours has, and for that we must consider ourselves truly fortunate. My love for you has only grown over time, and I find myself ever more grateful to have you as my companion with the passage of each successive day. It is with tremendous honor and adoration that I renew my solemn vows to you today.
Minister: , please share your vows.
: (Bride states their vow...) Marriage is far from easy, but if you find the right person, it is worth every minute. Not all partnerships last as long as ours has, and for that we must consider ourselves truly fortunate. My love for you has only grown over time, and I find myself ever more grateful to have you as my companion with the passage of each successive day. It is with tremendous honor and adoration that I renew my solemn vows to you today.
Minister: and , thank you for those beautiful words. As we continue, hold these vows close in your hearts and remember them always.
Declaration of Intent
Minister: Please join hands and face each other.
, do you vow to continue to have as your Wife, to keep your new vows as well as the old, to share your love freely, and fully, for as long as you both shall live?
: I do.
Minister: , do you vow to continue to have as your Husband, to keep your new vows as well as the old, to share your love freely, and fully, for as long as you both shall live?
: I do.
Minister: please repeat after me. I am here today to re-commit to love you fully, honor you truly, and hold you through the bad times and the good. With all my love, I make these sacred vows to you today.
, please repeat after me. I am here today to re-commit to love you fully, honor you truly, and hold you through the bad times and the good. With all my love, I make these sacred vows to you today.
Candle Lighting
Minister: and , today we've had the great pleasure of witnessing your union become official. As a symbol of your bond, you will now light a unity candle – the flame of which is emblematic of your two souls coming together as one.
and will now receive a candle.
and , you each hold in your hand a flame. Think of this flame as a representation of your individual lives. Your dreams and sorrows, passions and fears, joys and disappointments – all reside within the light of this candle. Now, give one last look into this singular light, for it is about to merge with another.
Minister will pause for effect.
You will now light the center candle together.
and will now use their candles to light the larger candle between them.
The two flames now burn as one, just as your two spirits have formed an irreparable bond. This bond is powerful enough to help you through any difficulties and struggles that may arise. As your love steers you through the obstacle course that is life, remember that your lights burn brightest together.
Hand Fasting
Minister: and , having spoken the official words, now it is time for the fasting of your hands that will seal your union on a spiritual level. This ritual is one of deep significance. Please interlace your hands together, taking care to breathe slowly and focus on the connection being created.
and will join hands, right-hand to right-hand and left-hand to left-hand, in an interlocking fashion. Note: they may need help with this step, so be prepared to assist them with hand placement
Look deep into each other's eyes, and remember all you have experienced together – both the highs and the lows. Henceforth, you will be united in partnership – ready to support one another through both the joys and the sorrows.
It's now time to fasten your hands together, a tradition that has spanned generations. This act symbolizes a deep commitment to your shared union.
Officiant will now wrap the hand-fasting ribbon around couple's interlocked hands several times
Just as your hands are bound before us today, so too will your lives become. While this ribbon will soon be unwrapped, your spirits will forever be joined in unity from this moment forward. Let us acknowledge this special bond you share, and may your relationship be blessed with joy and happiness.
*Officiant pauses for effect, and then unwraps ribbon*
Sand Ceremony
Minister: and , today you have made sacred vows to finalize your union. To symbolize this new union, you will now combine these vials of sand to seal your spiritual bond.
and will each receive a vial of sand of their favorite color.
You each hold in your hand a distinct vessel of sand. Gaze into this vessel, allowing the sand within to symbolize your individual life. Visualize each grain of sand as a moment in time; either one that has already come and gone, or one yet to pass. This sand represents the waves endured over the course of time, every trial and tribulation that has been thrown your way. By the same token, it also encapsulates your joys, your achievements, and your triumphs. Reflect on these experiences, and the strength required to achieve your goals or overcome your challenges.
Together, slowly pour your sand into the common vessel.
and will then simultaneously pour their sand out into larger vessel
Just as your individual sands have combined together and melded into one, so too, and , will your lives be forever joined from this day forward. Similar to the grains of sand, your lives, now combined, can never be separated.
You will share your love, your joy, your hopes, your dreams and your fears with one another. Notice, too, that your mutual vessel of sand is now larger and more impressive – just as your lives have gained depth and meaning thanks to the love and support of your partner. Moving forward throughout life, always recognize the importance of this bond you share.
Jumping The Broom
Minister: and , today you have taken the vows of marriage. To mark the transition of starting your new life together, we will now commence the tradition of jumping the broom.
The officiant will hold the ceremonial broom while speaking, displaying it to the audience. Then place the broom on the floor in front of the Groom and Bride.
Take a moment to reflect on your relationship and all of the steps you've taken to get where you are today. What are your greatest joys? What are your deepest sorrows? What are the things that led you to each other's arms? Hold these things dear.
All of the pain and the beauty of life have led you to this place of time, together, where you are today. Each moment you have experienced has a dozen more that you will face together. Are you ready to take the plunge? When you're ready, grab your new spouse's hand, and jump over the broom together.
and join hands and jump over the broom.
Glass Stomping
Minister: and , this is a special day in both of your lives, and one you will no doubt cherish forever. Before we proceed, take a moment to reflect on every major decision and important experience that you've had over the years. Although you surely had no way of knowing at the time, each of those life events have led to right now, to this very moment.
Although you have spoken the words to finalize your commitment, you will now officially seal your union with the smashing of the glass. It is tradition that once the glass is shattered, we shall all shout "Mazel Tov".
As the officiant delivers the above message, the best man will wrap the glass in white cloth and place it on the floor before the couple. Once it's in place, the couple will stomp the glass.
This glass, now shattered, may never be reassembled. Similarly, the bond you have consecrated today is a permanent one. Your lives are now forever joined together through faith, love, and a sense of duty to one another.
Tree Planting
Minister: and , now that you've spoken the words to seal your union, you will now plant your marital tree to celebrate the joining of your two souls. Just as a tree lays down its roots over time, so will the both of you grow ever stronger together.
Give both and a small jar of soil. The sapling should be positioned prior to the ceremony, either in the ground or in a pot.
Each of you now holds soil from the earth. This soil represents your life, all of the ups and downs, laughter and heartache, hopes and dreams. Take a moment to reflect on all that you've been through up to this point. Think of your proudest moments and your deepest fears. Each molecule of soil represents a different experience that led you to this point in time.
Now give this soil to your tree together, bringing it life and health.
and now add their soil to the base of the tree.
As it matures, your relationship will become as sturdy and reliable as the trunk of this tree. Life may bring its storms, but they will pass, and beyond you will always find days of sunshine and joy. Just like your love, this tree will continue to thrive as it grows ever stronger.
Ring Exchange
Minister: When you first married, you exchanged rings as a symbol of everlasting love. You wear these rings each and every day as a commitment to the promises you've made to each other. Today, you will reaffirm the meaning behind your rings as you continue this wonderful journey together.
Please repeat after me:
I, , wear this ring to celebrate the enduring love we share. May it continue to serve as a physical representation of my endless devotion to you.
I, , wear this ring to celebrate the enduring love we share. May it continue to serve as a physical representation of my endless devotion to you.
Minister: Congratulations! and have now completed their vow renewal. Together, we celebrate your love and your union. May you cherish every day of the rest of your lives together.
Minister: and , you may now officially seal your renewed vows with a kiss!
Minister: Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I now present to you Mr. and Mrs. , officially recommitted to each other before God. before Allah. before the Universe. before the Elements. May their happiness continue to flourish as their love grows ever deeper.
~ Exit Music ~