Bride and groom with skull makeup holding hands at samhain wedding
  • ~12 minute ceremony

This Samhain wedding ceremony script is perfect for couples seeking to honor Wiccan and Pagan spiritual traditions as part of their harvest-season union. Complete with a built-in handfasting ceremony, this script gracefully blends Celtic themes with a legally binding wedding ceremony. Love it as is, or tweak for your desired results. Ready for easy download and print.

Introduction/Welcome/Wedding Sermon

Officiant (to guests):

Hello, everyone. As we mark the end to the harvest, it’s time to celebrate winter knocking on our door and the love that has grown between the two people joined before us. Today/tonight, the chasm between universes is at its thinnest. This makes it the perfect time to unite these two souls in matrimony that will last not just through this life, but also the next.

We stand where magic and flesh meet, in the company of wonderful friends and spirits to witness the marriage of _______________ and _______________.

Officiant (to couple):

Today/tonight, _______________ and _______________, you will demonstrate your devotion to each other by committing to a life together and to treat each other with respect. By setting forth to honor the vows you have created and will share today, your lives, which began on different paths, will now be joined as one for eternity.


Officiant (to guests):

“I take you my heart

At the rising of the moon

And the setting of the stars.

To love and to honour

Through all that may come.

Through all our lives together

In all our lives,

May we be reborn

That we may meet and know

And love again,

And remember”

Source: The Giving of Rings Verse

Declaration of Intent

Officiant (to couple):

_______________ and _______________, the joining of two souls in marriage should not be entered into lightheartedly. The vows you make today are sacred. Your love is irreplaceable. Beauty and youth go away, money comes and goes, but your love endures. Love is unending. Keep this in mind as you exchange your eternal vows.

Knowing this, _______________ and _______________ is it your intent to enter into this eternal commitment to one another?


It is.

Handfasting Ceremony


In the physical realm, _______________ and _______________ will now bind their hands in a traditional handfasting ceremony to celebrate their unbreakable bond.

From one season to the next, this cord symbolizes _______________ and _______________'s pledge to respect and adore one another, as well as to establish a life of joy and thankfulness.

As this knot is now tied, so are your lives now bound.

Woven into this cord, permeated into its very fibers, are all the hopes of your family and friends, and of yourselves, for your new life journey together.

With the forming of this knot, I tie all the dreams, desires, love, and happiness wished here in this setting to your lives for as long as your love shall last.

In the joining of hands and the formation of a knot, your lives are now bound, one to another.

Exchanging of Vows

Officiant (to couple):

_______________ and _______________, I invite you to share your marital vows at this time. Please face each other and recite your vows to your partner before all gathered here today.

_______________, you may go first.

Partner 1:

I, _______________, choose you, _______________, in this lifetime or any other we may pass through, it is your soul that I’ll search to find. I know your heart is meant for me.”

Officiant (to couple):

_______________, you may now share your vows.

Partner 2:

“I, _______________, choose you, _______________, in this lifetime or any other we may pass through, it is always your soul that I’ll search to find. I know your heart is meant for me.”

Exchanging of Rings

Officiant (to couple):

Now, you will exchange wedding bands as a symbol of your commitment and love for one another. Present your rings to one another.

Officiant (to Partner 1):

_______________, place your ring on _______________’s finger and repeat after me. “As this ring encircles your finger from this day forward, until the end of time, so will my love forever encircle you. Wear this ring as my undying symbol of this love we share.”

Partner 1:

“As this ring encircles your finger from this day forward, until the end of time, so will my love forever encircle you. Wear this ring as my undying symbol of this love we share.”

Officiant (to Partner 2):

_______________, place your ring on _______________’s finger and repeat after me. “As this ring encircles your finger from this day forward, until the end of time, so will my love forever encircle you. Wear this ring as my undying symbol of this love we share.”

Partner 2:

“As this ring encircles your finger from this day forward, until the end of time, so will my love forever encircle you. Wear this ring as my undying symbol of this love we share.”


Officiant (to couple):

_______________ and _______________, may you always be bound in love, as you have been and shall be in this world and every world to come! By the power vested in me by the Universal Life Church Ministries, I now declare you to be married! You may kiss.

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