Lesbian couple exchanging vows to one another.
  • ~12 minute ceremony

The best wedding officiants always keep the context and the couple in mind. As you work to craft a lesbian wedding ceremony script, it's important not only to remember how far our society has come, but also to recognize that the couple has likely had to overcome some bigotry in their lives to get to where they are now.

A wedding is a joyous occasion for any couple. For many LGBTQIA+ couples, the day holds extra meaning. The U.S. Supreme Court's decision on June 26, 2015, to recognize unions between all consenting adults regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity paved the way for same-sex couples to make their long-term commitments official in the eyes of the law.

Although the event itself marks a monumental societal advance, a lesbian wedding script is not all that different from other ceremonies. It involves the same required elements (the declaration of intent and pronouncement) as well as many other features you would expect at any wedding.

The couple also likely has specific details they want to include, elements they’d like added (or skipped), and an idea for the tone they’d like the ceremony to have. The wedding officiant should work with the couple to build a script that they feel good about and is true to them.

Below, you’ll find a sample lesbian wedding ceremony script that can give you an idea of where to start.

Welcome Statement

Officiant (to guests):

Dear family and friends, this is a special moment in the lives of _________ and _________. Today, they celebrate their relationship and plan for the future. Today, they invite you to share in their joy as they declare their love for one another and their commitment to honor that love for the rest of their lives.

You are all welcome here.

The world does not always make love easy. It sows seeds of doubt no matter how carefully we tend the seeds of faith in our beloved. The world will try to impose rules that hinder the free expression of love in all its glorious forms.



Love, however, does not yield to everyone else’s rules. It transcends them. Indeed, as the illustrious Mary Oliver wrote,

"Not anyone who says, ’I’m going to be

careful and smart in matters of love,’

who says, ’I’m going to choose slowly,’

but only those lovers who didn’t choose at all

but were, as it were, chosen

by something invisible and powerful and uncontrollable

and beautiful and possibly even

unsuitable —

only those know what I’m talking about

in this talking about love."

Vow Exchange

Officiant(to couple):

You have gathered all your loved ones here today to witness the next step you take together. It’s time to share the vows you want to make to one another.

Officiant (to Partner 1):

_________, please state your vows.

Partner 1 (to Partner 2):

_________, I promise to be your safe place in the storm of life. I will shelter you, comfort you, defend you, and delight in you. I vow to protect your heart and be on your side. I promise to love you with everything I am and will ever be for the rest of our lives.

Officiant(to Partner 2):

_________, please state your vows.

Partner 2 (to Partner 1):

_________, I promise to be your safe place in the storm of life. I will shelter you, comfort you, defend you, and delight in you. I vow to protect your heart and be on your side. I promise to love you with everything I am and will ever be for the rest of our lives.

Declaration of Intent

Officiant(to couple):

You have chosen matching wedding rings to symbolize the strength of your bond to one another. As you declare your intent to marry your partner, place the ring on her finger.

Officiant (to Partner 1):

_________, do you take _________ to be your partner in marriage and life?

Partner 1:

I do take _________ to be my partner in marriage and life.

Officiant (to Partner 2):

_________, do you take _________ to be your partner in marriage and life?

Partner 2:

I do take _________ to be my partner in marriage and life.


Officiant(to couple):

_________ and _________, you have vowed to love one another and be partners for the rest of your lives. Therefore, it is my privilege and my honor to be the first to address you as such.

By the power vested in me by the Universal Life Church, I pronounce you married. You may share a kiss!

Officiant(to guests):

Please join me in celebrating, for the first time as a married couple, _________ and _________!

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