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The Swedish government has officially recognized a new religion founded on the practice of file-sharing, called "Kopimism". Kopimists subscribe to the tenet that information and knowledge are sacred; for them the act of ...
Category: Equal Rights Freedom of Religion Religion Social Justice Spirituality
Should religion and politics mix? They inevitably will, but the question is where and how. A debate has been raging, a "culture war" has been decreed and some are asking themselves "what would Jesus do?" while others ar ...
Where two conversational taboos meet, Jim Wallis artfully crafts a painfully accurate discussion on America's shortcomings and the possibilities for change and improvements. Jim Wallis has done something big. He has com ...
Thousands of the ULC Ministries's ministers fulfill both military and ministerial duties. The Universal Life Church Ministries is renowned for helping everyday citizens of the United States and other countries become le ...
Category: Ceremonies Weddings
Omitting parts of the Pledge of Allegiance during a US Open Broadcast creates a firestorm of fury from religious organizations. On June 19, 2011, NBC made a mistake they are sure to regret long into the future. During t ...
Category: Freedom of Religion Spirituality Citizens Rights
Miraculous Moments: True Stories Affirming that Life Goes On Elissa al-Chokhachy, MA, RN, CHPN Birth, death and the order in which they fall are some of the only universal truths and consistencies throughout the entire ...
Category: ULC Books
Pastors who have experienced scandals may be left with fewer sheep in their flock, but they are not left alone. It seems as though every day another pastor, priest or minister is plagued by a scandal. Call them pastor s ...
Category: Religion
by: Kate Hawkes In my first ULC guest blog, I am jumping right into the heart of my current work. This has been a year of emergence into transformation. After a limbo period, I have now shed potential partners like snak ...
Category: Health and Wellness
by: Dan Shafer As a 30-year professional technologist and a lifelong student of spirituality, I am fascinated by the ways technology and spirituality intersect. I've been invited to share my thoughts on these subjects h ...
Category: Religion Spirituality Technology Dan Shafer
Muslims across America are in the thick of celebrating Ramadan and are coming up with ingenious solutions to reconcile American culture and religious observance. Ramadan is a month long journey for Muslims as they seek ...
Category: Islam