Articles Tagged Spirituality - Page 8

If you sometimes feel as if you're drowning in a sea of information and electronics, it might be time to consider meditation. Meditation is not only for Buddhists. It does encourage you to be more peaceful and more mindf ...

Category: Religion Spirituality

When you think of someone who is religious, you probably think of someone who has a specific set of beliefs, prays regularly, and likely attends a church or religious service at least once a week. Religion is generally p ...

Category: Health and Wellness Religion Spirituality

A recent study has shown that women are generally more religious than men. The study, conducted by the Pew Research Center, looked at several different aspects of religion and spirituality. It also looked at separate r ...

Category: Faith Healing Freedom of Religion Religion

A sentence that has more to say might use a semicolon in the middle; the words continue on the other side of the grammatical symbol for "there is more to say about this." Many people today are tattooing themselves with ...

Category: Aid Human Rights

In villages around the world, women take the lead in religious roles that may seem somewhat unexpected in Western traditions. In folk religious practices and observances from Asia to the Americas, from Africa to immigr ...

Category: Faith Healing Spirituality Eastern Philosophy

In a 1998 episode of The Simpsons called "The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace," Homer Simpson does some calculations on a chalkboard that seem to have been way ahead of his time. A physicist named Dr. Singh has written a new ...

Category: Science Spirituality

How to Become a Jedi Knight When the movie Star Wars was released in 1977, it became a phenomenal hit. The quest, the heroes, and daring rescue of the heroine transported viewers to a different movie experience. Howev ...

Category: Universal Life Church Be a Minister

Various Uses for Blessed Oil Blessed oil does not have magical healing powers in and of itself. Instead, it is intended to act as a symbol of God's grace and heals believers through their faith. Blessing oil is used t ...

Category: Online Ordination

Everyone knows who Superman is. Particularly modern folks like those who get ordained online, discussions about this character are almost unavoidable lately. He embodies about the same spirit of Americana as sharing appl ...

Category: Christianity

The Swedish government has officially recognized a new religion founded on the practice of file-sharing, called "Kopimism". Kopimists subscribe to the tenet that information and knowledge are sacred; for them the act of ...

Category: Equal Rights Freedom of Religion Religion Social Justice Spirituality