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In today’s rat race world, your life seems to move at an ever-more-frenetic pace. Between your family responsibilities, your job responsibilities, and all the never-ending chores you must perform, you barely have t ...
Category: Health and Wellness Religion
You’ve likely never heard of Hoodoo unless you’re from the New Orleans area or the Lowcountry of South Carolina, where this form of witchery and healing is quite well known and widely practiced. Originating i ...
Category: Aid Faith Healing Spirituality
Depending on who you believe, religion, particularly Christianity, is sweeping the world. Evidence of this exists in the fact that in Africa, approximately 50 million people became Christians in 2018, making Africa the c ...
Category: Religion Christianity
The main problem with attempting to differentiate between your soul and your spirit is that first you must believe that you have both. If as an atheist you believe that neither actually exists, then the whole discussion ...
Category: Religion Spirituality
Sikhs around the world have pledged to plant 1 million trees this year to honor their religion’s founder, Guru Nanak, and help the planet at the same time. Headed by EcoSikh, an environmental group headquartered in ...
Category: Religion Spirituality
Summer might be almost over, but it’s never too late to plan a vacation to take a spiritual retreat. Meditation and nature go together like peanut butter and jelly. You’ll experience the benefits of meditatio ...
Category: Health and Wellness Spirituality
You hear the word soulmate bandied about a lot these days. Often it comes out of the mouth of a bride who believes, or at least wants to believe, that she is marrying the love of her life with whom she’ll live happ ...
Category: Spirituality Superstitions
Believe it or not, around 4,200 different religions exist around the world. Some, like Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism, are well known and account for most of the world’s population. But never ...
Category: Religion Spirituality
Ask Americans if they believe in God, and 80% of them will say yes. But what God do they believe in? The one described in the Bible, or something else? These are the questions the Pew Research Center set out to answer in ...
Category: Religion Science Spirituality
Ever since the 1990s, America has seen an increasing number of people who self-identify as a None; i.e., someone unaffiliated with any particular organized religion. Nones also include those who view themselves as agnost ...
Category: Religion Spirituality