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Religion has served as a cornerstone of human experience for millennia, shaping cultures and personal beliefs. While major world religions like Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism hold sway over billions, a fascinating tap ...
Category: Freedom of Religion
Across cultures and religions, there are a number of traditions that seem to have similar origins. One example of this is the “evil eye.” According to historians, the belief that someone can cause misfortune or bad l ...
Category: Superstitions
In the heart of California, nestled deep within the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, lies the city of Antioch—a place with a rich and complex history. Beneath its modern façade and the busy lives of its 111,000 residents ...
Category: Equal Rights
No matter how large or widespread a religion might be, there are bound to be a ton of facts surrounding these belief systems that are surprising. Whether you consider yourself a spiritual person or not, it can be interes ...
Category: Religion
In today's fast-paced digital world, maintaining a strong connection with your faith can be a challenge. The constant influx of information, the distractions of social media, and the ever-present screens can make it feel ...
Category: Spirituality
Whether for religious or health reasons, you or someone you know may have gone on a fast before. Fasting can have multiple benefits, not only for your health but for your spiritual journey. However, if you have never fas ...
Category: Spirituality
If you are interested in magic, witchcraft, or faith healing, you’re probably familiar with the practices of Voodoo and Hoodoo. But are you aware these two belief systems are completely different from each other?
Category: Religion Spirituality
Many people fast, or give up food, as part of a religious sacrifice to spend time concentrating on their spiritual life or to look for spiritual guidance. Jews fast on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, to reflect and rep ...
Category: Spirituality
Many religions do not have a good track record when it comes to teaching the concept of purity. Often, they reduce it to matters of sexual behavior or identity, excluding the larger context that is necessary to keep thes ...
Category: Morality
When you think about church leaders you can approach for advice or counsel, your pastor or teachers in your church probably come to mind. However, a spiritual director may be a better fit. Spiritual direction is a uniq ...
Category: Spirituality