Articles Tagged Society - Page 7

Although there is no easy solution to poverty, there are proven methods that can help people find financial stability and economic security. Policy changes in the government can expand the middle class and help families ...

Category: Morality Religion Social Equality

April is Jazz Appreciation Month, and although the style of music was considered rebellious when it was created, jazz was instrumental to the women's liberation movement and to the civil rights movement in America. But r ...

Category: Holidays and Observances

There has been a lot of focus on women in March, but the month is also when we remember the impact that the Irish-Americans have had on American history. President Donald Trump just announced Irish American Month, saying ...

Category: Holidays and Observances

As you're making your resolutions for the new year, consider adding mentoring to your list. January is National Mentoring Month, a national campaign to increase awareness about the benefits of mentoring. Young people nee ...

Category: Health and Wellness Social Equality

Jesus said: "No one can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth." Matthew 6:24 Here in Seattle, we are ...

Category: Morality Politics

This last week was a tough one for those who oppose the death penalty on moral grounds: i.e. thou shalt not kill. We saw two very different men put to death in two southern states. These men and their circumstances cou ...

Category: Social Justice

A Lighthearted, Humorous look at _Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, Part II _ This post is the first installment of our "Fear Blog" series, in which we ridicule those who use religion and pop culture to inspire fea ...

Category: Morality

When we hunted the land for our food and slept under the stars or in caves, we were considered primitive. When we did not worship gods or deities but the earth and stars in the sky, we were called uncivilized. Man unders ...

Category: Religion Social Justice