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When they hear the word "Christian," many individuals in the United States picture right-wing conservative fundamentalists. Their increased involvement with politics, along with the creation of groups such as the late Je ...
Category: Religion Christianity
If you're online at all, you've certainly heard about the fake news problem on Facebook. If you think this issue is limited to social media, consider the following headline, "Hillary's brain is about to EXPLODE!" publish ...
Category: Politics Technology
In this day and age, social media can be used for just about anything. It's great not only for keeping in touch with friends and family, but also for things like advertising and getting information about your business ou ...
Category: Online Ordination Religion Spirituality
{.wp-image-5206 width=240 height=188} Please add the ULC's page to your circle on Google Plus! Recent changes to Google's sea ...
Category: Universal Life Church
by: Dan Shafer As a 30-year professional technologist and a lifelong student of spirituality, I am fascinated by the ways technology and spirituality intersect. I've been invited to share my thoughts on these subjects h ...
Category: Religion Spirituality Technology Dan Shafer