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Teaching children how to appreciate the tenets of your faith can be a daunting task. Many adults wrestle with the scriptures and how to apply them to their everyday lives, and if this pertains to you, you may not know ho ...
Category: Biblical Interpretation Religion
Sabbath is a term for rejuvenation. Its origin is tied to the creation story found in Genesis, at the end of which God rested on the seventh day. The message of the myth is that it is good and right for human beings to t ...
Category: Holidays and Observances Religion Judaism
The Biblical parable of the sheep and the goats is used to illustrate many different points. Some preachers teach on the separation between the two as an indication that believers are to be set apart from the ways of the ...
Category: Biblical Interpretation Religion
Advent is the first season of the Christian church year and the period of time in which believers wait for the coming Christ child. Many churches that observe Advent loop it into the Christmas celebrations, but some pr ...
Category: Holidays and Observances Religion
In 2003, Betsy Greer coined the term "craftivism" to encompass gentle, beautiful ways that creatives can make a difference in the world. Art has long been at the forefront of activist movements, challenging accepted norm ...
The buying and selling of goods and services ideally allows those who work to earn a livable wage that supports all their families' needs. This is not always the case, though. Supporting fair trade practices both individ ...
The Pew Research Center recently conducted a large survey to gather information on people’s opinion of religion and morals across the globe. Over 38,000 people from 34 different countries were asked a variety of questi ...
During an election year, you may hear a lot of overlap between religious leaders and politicians. People of varying beliefs claim that certain people running for office offer more to those who believe in God. They may ev ...
The United States is known for being a country that values religious freedom through the separation of church and state. While politics and religion are meant to stay independent of one another, there is often a lot of c ...
Category: Politics Religion Political and Religious Controversy
With presidential elections quickly approaching in the United States, it can be interesting to see the different ways in which candidates appeal to voters. With religion being an important part of life for many Americans ...