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The University of Notre Dame released a report in April called "Under Caesar's Sword," which outlines a global investigation into Christian persecution. Not only did 17 scholars examine Christian persecution around the w ...
Category: Religion Christianity
The Administration for Community Living designates May as Older Americans Month. This year's theme is "Age Out Loud," a commitment to listening to what the older generation has to say. ACL recommends taking time this mon ...
Category: Religion
In 2015, Charleston, South Carolina, made headlines when nine people were killed in a church by a white supremacist. The shooter targeted the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, which is one of the oldest black c ...
Category: Religion
Two of the biggest religious festivals ended a few days ago. The Christian Easter celebration is over, as is the Jewish Passover. Both of these celebrations rely heavily on biblical scripture. Pew Research offers informa ...
Category: Biblical Interpretation Religion
Hebrews 13:3 reminds Christians to "continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison." In Matthew 25, Jesus tells his followers, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of ...
Category: Faith Healing Religion Be a Minister
Al-Aqsa Islamic Society is a community of Muslims in Philadelphia that does much more than simply offer religious services. The society has partnered with many civic organizations to bring art, social services and unity ...
Category: Religion Social Equality Spirituality
Not many people experience the phenomenon known as Saint Elmo's fire. It's a kind of a plasma that creates a faint glow, most commonly during a thunderstorm. The electricity in the air discharges near the ends of sharp o ...
Category: Religion
April is National Donate Life Month. If you aren't an organ donor, it might be time to consider making that decision part of your health directive. According to the United Network for Organ Sharing, about 22 people die e ...
Category: Health and Wellness Religion
When you think about Rhode Island, what comes to mind? It's the smallest state, but it doesn't have much to its name. The official nickname is "The Ocean State," because 14 percent of its total area is water. Although Rh ...
Category: Freedom of Religion Religion
On a Friday evening in March, a man worked on his car in his driveway in a suburb of Seattle. A stranger walked up to him and told him to "go back to his country." The stranger shoved the man to the ground and then shot ...
Category: Religion