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It’s that time of year when New Year’s resolutions begin to wane. Life gets in the way. Maybe you just didn’t know what you were thinking. If you made a resolution to read through the Bible this year an ...
The seven virtues are the opposite of the seven deadly sins. The cardinal values are prudence, justice, temperance and courage, while the three theological virtues are faith, hope and charity. Over the next few posts, le ...
Category: Religion Spirituality ULC Topics
Chris Pratt recently announced that he was doing the Daniel Fast. The Daniel Fast is based on Daniel, a prophet from the Old Testament. Daniel’s most famous story is when he was in the lion’s den. Daniel was ...
Category: Biblical Interpretation Religion
Practically everyone remembers the song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas." What a lot of people forget is that the 12th day is an important date in the Christian calendar. It's the day that remembers the Wise Men's visit ...
Category: Holidays and Observances Religion Christianity
Archaeology doesn’t always get the press it deserves. That could be because it’s very difficult to date historical artifacts. Maybe it’s because history just isn’t that exciting. But these archaeo ...
Category: Religion Religious Items Science
When a gunman killed 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue, it wasn’t just the Jewish community that was shook. Americans across the country, regardless of faith, were dismayed at the horror. The hate crime was obvio ...
Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus. Much of the Christmas story focuses on his mother, Mary, but there’s another important woman who played a role in the birth of Christ. She doesn’t get a lot of press i ...
Category: Religion Christianity
People going through a health crisis often find that their religious faith helps them get through the tough times. It gives them something to believe in and it also comforts them by putting their faith in a higher powe ...
Category: Religion Science Spirituality
Thanksgiving may not be known for its music, as the holiday usually gets overshadowed by Christmas songs. Here are six traditional Thanksgiving hymns to add to your playlist. “We Gather Together” This hymn ...
Category: Holidays and Observances
October is Pastor Appreciation Month. It’s admirable to want to make sure your pastor is appreciated, but one month can’t undo the damage of the rest of the year. Pastors are especially prone to burnout and e ...
Category: Religion