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The new Netflix original movie “The Two Popes” has already garnered the “Sleeper of the Year” title from one Telluride Film Festival critic. The movie is, according to Netflix, an “intimate ...
Category: Politics Religion Christianity
Sikhs around the world have pledged to plant 1 million trees this year to honor their religion’s founder, Guru Nanak, and help the planet at the same time. Headed by EcoSikh, an environmental group headquartered in ...
Category: Religion Spirituality
The book of Genesis in both the Hebrew and Christian Bible contains the story of God instructing Noah to build an ark so that he, his family, and two of every species of animal could escape the ravages of the coming worl ...
Category: Disasters Environment Religion
Believe it or not, around 4,200 different religions exist around the world. Some, like Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism, are well known and account for most of the world’s population. But never ...
Category: Religion Spirituality
It’s no secret that church membership and attendance are way down in America. But one of the unintended consequences of this continuing trend is that many congregations find themselves with huge buildings that they ...
Category: Religion Freedom from Religion
A new Gallup poll released in April of this year reveals that the number of people who belong to a church, synagogue or mosque reached an all-time low of 50% in 2018. Church membership reached its high of 76% in 1948, an ...
Category: Spirituality Superstitions Freedom from Religion
America has seen a fitness craze in the past few years as hundreds of thousands of people head for the gym in an attempt to increase their stamina, decrease their stress, and improve their overall health and wellness. Bu ...
Category: Health and Wellness Religion
In an example of true Christian charity, churches across America are banding together to eradicate the medical debt owed by strangers the church members likely never will meet. In a cooperative effort sweeping the countr ...
Ask Americans if they believe in God, and 80% of them will say yes. But what God do they believe in? The one described in the Bible, or something else? These are the questions the Pew Research Center set out to answer in ...
Category: Religion Science Spirituality
By definition, a megachurch is a Protestant church with a consistent weekend congregation of at least 2,000. While some Catholic churches have memberships of this size, the term megachurch applies only to huge Protestant ...
Category: Religion