Articles Tagged Muslim - Page 2

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, but it's also observed as a month of fasting in remembrance of the first revelation of the Quran to Muhammad. All adult Muslims are obliged to fast, except those who ar ...

Category: Holidays and Observances Islam Religion

Many countries in Africa have a high percentage of Muslims, but Kenya is an anomaly. In this country, Christians are the predominant religion. It's estimated that almost 85 percent of the population identifies as Christi ...

Category: Health and Wellness Islam Religion

Jerusalem is often considered one of the holiest cities, not only by Christians and Jews, but those of the Islamic faith as well. During one period in history, the city was thought to be the center of the world. Jews oft ...

Category: Religion

More details are beginning to emerge about the two killers in the California terrorist attack, yet there are many questions that have yet to be answered. On December 2nd, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, a married coupl ...

Category: Disasters Funerals Human Rights Morality Religion

Ben Carson has come under intense scrutiny this week after he revealed over the weekend he does not think a Muslim should be president. He feels a Muslim's beliefs would interfere with what the Constitution stands for. ...

Category: Equal Rights Freedom of Religion Politics

A Muslim woman who works as a flight attendant was recently suspended from her job for refusing to serve alcohol to passengers. As of right now, Charee Stanley has been put on unpaid leave for one year. She has worked ...

Category: Freedom

The ancient Caananite people knew of a goddess called Anath, a warrior famed for her powers of retribution. One legend tells of the man who had slighted her and then faced her wrath. He was winnowed with a sickle, crushe ...

Category: Religion

From a minority faith community besieged in Iraq, to pockets of religious believers squeezed by power plays coming from powerful groups around the globe, it seems that much of the instability in the world has a direct im ...

Category: Equal Rights Freedom of Religion Islam Morality Religion

Responding to calls that human rights workers around the world should incorporate a religious element to their work so as to connect with local residents, some say that in many deeply religious countries, the notion of a ...

Category: Religion

Amid the grief and outpouring of support for those murdered in Paris comes the wailing of tears from another continent, where they are also suffering unspeakable brutality from extremists armed with weapons of war and eq ...

Category: Human Rights Islam Morality Politics Social Justice