Articles Tagged Hinduism - ULC Blog
Hinduism is one of the oldest religions known to humanity. Though there is no known single founder of the spiritual movement, academics agree that the religion dates back at least 5000 years. Despite how ancient and prev ...
Category: Religion
Millions of people around the world celebrate Diwali, but its historic and cultural significance doesn't receive much attention in the mass media. This festival has ancient roots and evokes the symbolism of the victory o ...
Category: Religion
In parts of southern Pakistan, Hindus are feeling pressure to convert to Islam, and there is some debate as to whether the conversions were forced, voluntary, or somewhere in between.
Category: Politics Religion Political and Religious Controversy
A new Hindu temple in India has been igniting controversy that has rippled overseas and reached areas as far as New York City. How can a temple in India be so controversial? Read on to find out.
Category: Religion
There are 4,300 religions of the world, according to the findings of Adherents, a non-religious, independent organization that monitors the number and size of the world’s religions. Eighty percent of the planet’s sev ...
Category: Religion
Some people think that karma is synonymous with fate. Others think that it is a system of rewards and punishments. Still others think that karma is yet another bunch of hooey that people glom onto when things don’t ...
Category: Buddhism Eastern Philosophy
Wednesday is National Religious Freedom Day. While this has been a holiday celebrated for quite some time, this year it seems to hold more weight. Never have we had more controversy over religious freedom than over the l ...
Category: Freedom Freedom of Religion Religion
A recent study has shown that people who are religious are happier. The study was conducted in the Netherlands and has been published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. It studied 9,000 people over the age of 50. ...
China has the most people of any nation and also seems to have the highest percentage of people who claim no religious beliefs. Thailand is at the opposite end of the scale, with a reported 94 percent of its people claim ...
Category: Religion
Pope Francis, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Rabbi Abraham Skorka, Bahia Sahib Mohinder Singh and many other prominent world faith leaders came together to issue a statement asking everyone to reach across religions to #Ma ...
Category: Religion