Articles Tagged Happiness - Page 4

Summer is known for its outdoor entertainment, but the heat of the day can be too much for some people. Fall means getting back to school and other routines, and there may not be as much free time as children tend to hav ...

Category: Health and Wellness

Everyone wants to lead a happy life. Comparing yourself to others to gauge your satisfaction, however, often leads to restlessness or disappointment due to the fear of missing out. In a culture that turns happiness and f ...

Category: Technology

The sound of a child’s laughter is one of the most beautiful, soul-brightening, mood-lifting things in the world, but why is that? While there may be a scientific theory behind this, the reason might be simpler than we ...

Category: Health and Wellness Science

It seems like all anyone talks about these days is the coronavirus. While it’s good to stay informed, too much exposure to daunting news can be bad for your mental health and overall well-being. It may boost your spiri ...

Category: Uncategorized

The human mind is capable of many things. It can think, it can dream, it can plan. It can look forward to the future and try to predict how events will unfold. The key word here is try. More often than not, its predictio ...

Category: Health and Wellness

“Live your life with purpose.” This phrase is becoming increasingly popular, but if you’re like many people today, you may wonder what, exactly, that means. You’re living … Isn’t that enough? Unfortunately, ...

Category: Freedom Health and Wellness

If you’re like many Americans today, you may feel pressed for time, money and space. You may find it difficult to make time or room for the things in life that really matter, such as family, friends and hobbies that yo ...

Category: Health and Wellness

Everyone has been hurt by someone near and dear to them at one point or another. Sometimes the harm is intentional, while more often than not it is the result of a careless statement, years of shaded criticism, a single ...

Category: Morality

Joss Whedon said, “Loneliness is about the scariest thing out there.” Many people feel lonely even in a crowd of people. Loneliness is complex emotion. It’s a sadness when you feel like you don’t ...

Category: Aid Health and Wellness

Last week, in Part I of this series, we started exploring universal truths and listed five of them. This week in Part II, we talk about five additional universal truths. 6. Happiness Is a Fleeting Emotion Despite the f ...

Category: Uncategorized