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The desire to experience more joy in everyday life is pretty common among people of almost all faiths. Many religions consider joy to be proof of the presence of the divine. Unfortunately, it is also one of the things ma ...
Category: Spirituality
There are many different personality tests on the market. Some people enjoy taking online assessments just to pass the time, but certain tests can actually tell you a lot about yourself and help you make important decisi ...
Category: Health and Wellness
Meeting with your faith community for services may feel like a fresh drink of water every week. Where do you go for camaraderie and encouragement the rest of the week, though? While turning to the divine is helpful, so ...
Category: Uncategorized
Most parents and teachers can attest to the benefits of play for children. It stimulates their minds and bodies and helps them grow. What many people forget is that the need for play doesn't end with childhood. Adults al ...
Category: Health and Wellness
Many homeowners consider decluttering a normal part of their spring cleaning list. The whole family bands together to get rid of excess belongings that may have better uses elsewhere. Even if you grew up with complicated ...
Category: Health and Wellness
There are many books and movies that regale the benefits of friendship. Friends offer comfort, support, laughter and joy. Religious texts are full of examples of friends who care for each other, even when no one else doe ...
Category: Uncategorized
A lot of people set goals for each new year, but for some people, this process is too linear to be practical. Choosing a theme may be a more productive alternative for you. For it to work the way it's supposed to, howeve ...
Category: Health and Wellness Holidays and Observances
When it comes to resolutions, everyone talks about which goals to set and how to achieve them. They may set up long-term goals and list a lot of smaller milestones to help them along the way. Without a solid follow-up pr ...
Category: Health and Wellness Holidays and Observances
Gratitude is more than just saying what you’re thankful for around the table at Thanksgiving. Practicing gratitude can be a way of life. Reflecting regularly on the things for which you are grateful can have several be ...
Category: Health and Wellness Morality
Summer is known for its outdoor entertainment, but the heat of the day can be too much for some people. Fall means getting back to school and other routines, and there may not be as much free time as children tend to hav ...
Category: Health and Wellness