Articles Tagged Government - Page 2
While many areas are starting to slowly open back up in the United States, there are still restrictions on groups over a certain size. These restrictions have caused a lot of things to be put on hold, including sensitive ...
Category: Ceremonies Funerals
A Pew Research study found that 49% of Americans believe that the Christian Bible should have at least some impact on American laws and over a quarter believe it should have "a great deal" of influence.
Evangelical Pastor Tony Spell challenged Americans to donate their stimulus checks to evangelical groups instead of paying their bills, prompting many to accuse him of promoting a corrupt "prosperity gospel" message.
Category: Aid Political and Religious Controversy
Pro-life protestors can continue to protest in Michigan during the state's stay-at-home order after Governor Gretchen Whitmer clairifies what activities are prohibited during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Category: Freedom of Religion
We are saddened to hear yet another story of a stubborn pastor putting his congregation and his entire community at a heightened and unnecessary risk of contracting and transmitting coronavirus. This time around it’s F ...
In 1802, Thomas Jefferson created the phrase “separation of church and state” in a letter addressed to Danbury Baptist Association in Connecticut. Though the first amendment does not use this phrase, Mr. Jefferson em ...
Category: Health and Wellness Morality Politics Religion
Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne was charged with two misdemeanors after disregarding a county stay-at-home order and continuing to hold services in his megachurch while coronavirus cases increase in Florida.
Category: Freedom of Religion
You may have missed it, but an intriguing and thought-provoking new documentary movie played in theaters for one night only on November 6, 2019. Entitled “The Divine Plan: John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and the Drama ...
Category: End of the World Politics
In a long-anticipated move, the Republican-controlled Alabama Senate approved a measure that will, if signed into law by Republican Gov. Kay Ivey, virtually abolish abortion in the state. Any doctor who performs one will ...
From the time you’re little, you learn about fairness and justice. You probably learned about taking turns at the drinking fountain when you were in kindergarten. When you played games like Candy Land or Chutes and ...
Category: Politics Religion Spirituality ULC Topics