Articles Tagged Christian - Page 7
Jerusalem is often considered one of the holiest cities, not only by Christians and Jews, but those of the Islamic faith as well. During one period in history, the city was thought to be the center of the world. Jews oft ...
Category: Religion
Your friend has been inviting you to his church for weeks now and you've finally agreed. You walk into the church only to be greeted by a warm and welcoming group of people. Then, the worship starts and you feel somethin ...
Category: Online Ordination Religion Christianity
Many people love the show The Bachelor. It is one of the longest running reality shows on television, and it follows the story of a male attempting to find love by choosing one of the selected females. It first aired i ...
Category: Uncategorized Online Ordination Politics Religion
A recent book takes on the timeless question of how a person of religion can accept the facts and conclusions of modern science. Kelly James Clark is an evangelical Christian, and he writes of his concern over the appare ...
Responding to calls that human rights workers around the world should incorporate a religious element to their work so as to connect with local residents, some say that in many deeply religious countries, the notion of a ...
Category: Religion
Despite the fact that Christmas has traditionally been considered a Christian holiday, the fact is the version we collectively celebrate is actually a combination of the traditions of many different religions and cultu ...
Category: Holidays and Observances
There are a variety of holidays celebrated to remember the dead and as an interfaith minister of the ULC, you should explore their histories and the relationships between them. The holidays discussed here have influences ...
Category: Holidays and Observances
With Halloween fast approaching, we asked our ministers for their thoughts on the holiday. In particular, we asked our Wiccan ministers how they felt about the caricatures of witches with grotesque green faces that are s ...
Category: Holidays and Observances
Everyone knows who Superman is. Particularly modern folks like those who get ordained online, discussions about this character are almost unavoidable lately. He embodies about the same spirit of Americana as sharing appl ...
Category: Christianity
THE CONTENT OF THIS POST DOES NOT REFLECT THE VIEWS OF THE UNIVERSAL LIFE CHURCH MONASTERY. This post is meant to poke fun at people who actually believe in the bizarre viewpoints discussed below. God Is Angry: the Sign ...
Category: Disasters