Articles Tagged Children - Page 3

Are your children old enough now that you want to share your faith with them? Start their faith journey by making it an enriching and exciting experience. Rewarding faith practices make believers for life.

Category: Religion

Parents of children enrolled in extracurriculur activities know all about fundraising for school. But with quarantine during COVID-19, how can students fundraise responsibly while staying safe and healthy?

Category: School

Summer beach reading season doesn’t have to be postponed because the beach is closed. Simply put a lawn chair in the backyard, slap on some sunscreen and enjoy the great outdoors. Looking for some interesting books for ...

Category: Uncategorized

The sound of a child’s laughter is one of the most beautiful, soul-brightening, mood-lifting things in the world, but why is that? While there may be a scientific theory behind this, the reason might be simpler than we ...

Category: Health and Wellness Science

God’s grace is a wonder unlike any other mankind has seen. As parents, we understand this, and we hope that one day our children will understand it, too. While the messages and lessons taught in church help to guide o ...

Category: Uncategorized Religion

Harvard Professor Elizabeth Bartholet is calling for a ban on homeschooling, arguing that parents who are "extremely religious ideologues" cannot provide a proper education due to their inherent religious biases.

Category: Christianity

As secular parents, you may feel that any religious discussion is a non-issue, as why introduce your kids to something you yourself don’t believe? Good question. While secularism is on the rise, new parents or soon-to ...

Category: Religion Spirituality Freedom from Religion

Over the past two decades, tens of thousands of survivors have come forward with their stories of sexual abuse at the hands of Catholic clergymen. Though the pervasiveness of the problem suggests that it is intricately a ...

Category: Morality Christianity

Hollywood may not necessarily idolize witchcraft, but it certainly fanaticizes it. From “Sabrina the Teenage Witch” to “The Wizard of Oz” to “Maleficent,” there are dozens of movies spanning several generatio ...

Category: Religion Superstitions

In November, published an article about parenting called “Should You Force Your Kids to Go to Church?” The article was pro-church, but the author, Jennifer Waddle, did provide a flip side for ea ...

Category: Religion