Articles Tagged Bible - Page 5

If you've decided to do more Bible reading in 2017, you need to have a plan. Fortunately, there are many different apps and websites that offer a plan based on your own preferences and schedule. It seems so easy to just ...

Category: Online Ordination Christianity Be a Minister

Managing money can be a challenge for some people. It can be difficult to figure out how to cover all of your expenses, especially if you are living paycheck to paycheck. This may make it tempting to get a credit card or ...

Category: Social Justice Christianity

Your friend has been inviting you to his church for weeks now and you've finally agreed. You walk into the church only to be greeted by a warm and welcoming group of people. Then, the worship starts and you feel somethin ...

Category: Online Ordination Religion Christianity

There are many stories in the Bible. There are 66 books containing a total of 1,189 chapters. Reading the entire thing from start to finish is quite the feat. Since the Bible is the all-time best seller, you may have set ...

Category: Biblical Interpretation Online Ordination

Hillary Clinton Reports the Bible Is the Most Influential Book for Her The Bible has a significant impact on American politics that goes beyond social issues like gay marriage and abortion. In a notable example, Hilla ...

Category: Politics Christianity

If you were a gamer in the early 1990's and raised in a Christian home, you might have heard of the Nintendo game called Bible Adventures. This platformer stood out with its baby blue cartridge and for gameplay that was ...

Category: Biblical Interpretation

An annual survey by the American Bible Society and Barna Research shows that belief in the Bible has decreased. The percent of people who are engaged with the Bible matches the number of who are skeptics of the Bible at ...

Category: Biblical Interpretation

A curious story was covered in Sunday's edition of the CBS Morning Show--an emerging art and literary movement called "steampunk". The movement might be described as a re-imagining of Victorian Britain which includes Vic ...

Category: Biblical Interpretation Morality Science Spirituality Technology

Famous "biblical" passages that are oft quoted but never actually found anywhere, on any page, of any bible. Before you get your free online ordination, here is something to remember before officiating a ceremony or giv ...

Category: Ceremonies Christianity

Bart D. Ehrman, a Biblical scholar has made the stale, albeit explosive, claim that the New Testament is forged in his aptly titled book, Forged. While some more devout Christian scholars have taken up virtual arms ag ...

Category: Science Christianity