ULC Blog - Page 97

One of the most serious problems in the United States is poverty. Based on the U.S. Census Bureau's best estimates, the 2015 poverty rate is about 13.5 percent. When you do the math, that means around 43.1 million Americ ...

Category: Religion Social Equality Christianity

"For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat." 2 Thessalonians 3:10 "Give generously to [the poor] and do so without a grudging heart, then because o ...

Category: Religion Social Equality Christianity

In the Gospels of the New Testament, Jesus uses parables to give lessons to his disciples. A parable is simply a story that is used to illustrate a moral lesson. In Luke 15, the story of the prodigal son is told. This is ...

Category: Religion Christianity

Alexander Pope said, "To err is human; to forgive, divine." Merriam-Webster defines forgiveness as "to cease to feel resentment against (an offender)." Most of today's world religions have some kind of teaching on forgi ...

Category: Health and Wellness Holidays and Observances

Many people love to drive through Vermont in the fall to enjoy the foliage and scenery. The state might be one of the smallest, but it has some beautiful architecture in its churches. Here are six sites you should make p ...

Category: Religion Spirituality

If you find yourself saying yes to everything and being exhausted, you might have a problem setting boundaries. Workaholics often have a problem separating work and home life because they cannot find a balance between th ...

Category: Health and Wellness Spirituality

Tucked away in the University Park District in Dallas is a 50-year-old museum. Mattie Caruth Byrd, a leader and patron of the arts in the Dallas community, founded the Museum of Biblical Art in 1966. Unfortunately, the b ...

Category: Biblical Interpretation Religion

Southeast Florida is estimated to have more than 500,000 Jews living in the Miami area. That's about 10 percent of the overall population. There are almost 190 synagogues and congregations in the area, serving Orthodox, ...

Category: Religion Judaism

There's been a huge debate over whether the hymns of the church are relevant today. We'll leave that argument for another time. No matter which side you're on, there's little denying that some of the songs played in chur ...

Category: Religion

If you're looking for some books to keep your children engaged over the summer, give them ones that help them understand other religions and cultures. Here are a few for teenagers, aged 13 and up, that have received accl ...

Category: Health and Wellness Religion School