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A cliché is defined as “a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought.” Some examples include “plenty of fish in the sea” or “think outside the box.&rdqu ...
Category: Religion Christianity
Last week, we discussed the honorary degree that Charlie Rose received from Sewanee: The University of the South. To recap, Charlie Rose was presented with the degree during the university’s commencement ceremony i ...
Many people among the religious and scholarly communities mourned the passing of scholar Marcus Borg. Known for research and writings on the historical figure of Jesus, Professor Borg helped many believers.
Category: Religion
Last year, Charlie Rose was fired as a co-anchor on “CBS This Morning” after eight women accused him of sexual harassment. He issued an apology, stating, “I deeply apologize for my inappropriate behavio ...
Category: Morality
Most colleges have a formal method for revoking or rescinding an earned degree. It’s rare that a college will revoke a degree, but it happens. The University of Tokyo rescinded a doctorate degree of a Turkish natio ...
Anglican Communion News Service recently reported on domestic violence (DV) in the church. Churchgoers in the county of Cumbria, England, were surveyed by academics with Coventry University and University of Leicester. O ...
In 2000, the Youth Financial Literacy Day was announced. Four years later, the U.S. Senate officially recognized April as Financial Literacy Month. Although it’s mostly banks and other financial institutions that p ...
Category: Holidays and Observances
Ken Ham, President of Answers in Genesis, sits at the heart of some controversy over freedom of speech on the University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) campus. The student body government invited Ham to speak on campus about ...
Category: Equal Rights Religion School
Easter is a holiday that almost all Christian people celebrate. Is a way of celebrating the rising of Christ, three days after he was crucified. While this is a holiday that is typically seen as religious, there are many ...
Category: Holidays and Observances
Young girls need heroines that will fill their minds of possibilities. In the past, it’s been challenging to find interesting stories of women who made a difference. Fortunately, publishers have taken notice and ha ...
Category: Social Equality