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Biblical women often get little consideration in the stories where they are featured. Mary, Jesus’ mother, and Sarah, the wife of Abraham, get mentioned more than most. While these two women were good examples, the ...
Category: Holidays and Observances Religion
Here in the United States, the month of May is most commonly associated with graduation, Mother’s Day, the Kentucky Derby and Memorial Day. The Administration on Aging leads a celebration for older Americans, recog ...
Category: Holidays and Observances
A 2014 study looks at the way Americans feel about some hot issues in the political debate. Interviewing Americans in 2014, the data splits the respondents into over a dozen religious identity categories, some of which f ...
April marks National Donate Life Month. It’s a national recognition of organ donation. According to Donate Life America, 95 percent of Americans favor organ donation, but only about 55 percent of Americans are regi ...
New Haven, CT, is home to Yale University, but the city has a much deeper heritage than most people realize. It was founded in 1638 by the English Puritans and is considered the first planned city in the United States. B ...
Category: Religion
On April 12, people around the world remembered one of the worst genocides in history. Yom Hashoah Ve-Hagevurah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day, is not a federal holiday, but it is an important event that memorializes the ...
Category: Holidays and Observances
Professional sports have not always been friendly to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals, but change is coming. A football player who made it okay to be out and gay while playing in the NFL talks ab ...
Category: Equal Rights Social Equality
April is designated Arab American Heritage Month. Although many are familiar with Arab people in the entertainment industry, such as Hoda Kotb, Kathy Najimy and Shannon Elizabeth, there are many other Arab American women ...
Some court decisions in Europe and the United States have given weight to claims of religious "freedom" for religious organizations. This allows these organizations to follow their principles and doctrines in employmen ...
Category: Freedom of Religion Citizens Rights Freedom from Religion
In 1988 President Ronald Reagan issued a letter of support for Youth Service America’s (YSA) “A Day in the Life of Youth Service” event. This year, YSA celebrates the 30th anniversary of Annual Global Y ...
Category: Holidays and Observances Morality