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In 2016, the Public Religion Research Institute reported that according to their research, Seattle, WA, tied with Portland, OR, and San Francisco, CA, as the least religious cities in the United States. Although Seattle ...
Category: Religion
A Muslim from Malaysia adapts to a new role outside the cultural norms when she comes to the U.S. to attend university. A U.S.-born Muslim at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) finds community and brotherhood ...
It’s been estimated that over a billion people travel each year, and this number is expected to climb in the future. With record numbers of tourists taking in other cultures, it’s time to talk about responsib ...
Category: Religion
Alaska is the largest state in the Union, over twice the size of Texas. Both European and Russian settlers influenced the growth of religion in the state. Traditional life in Alaska was shaped more by the Alaska Native p ...
Category: Religion
Alaska’s nickname is The Last Frontier. Although it’s the least populated state in the nation, it’s one of the most populated areas above the 60th parallel in North America. Most of Alaska’s resid ...
Category: Environment Religion
In professional hockey, faith and religion can be seen as a liability, with some players carrying an attitude that, "hockey is a physical sport; there's no place for religion in hockey." Former players note that hockey d ...
Category: Religion
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, the man who gave the address at the royal wedding in May, reportedly used an iPad to read from during the service. Not only did he give a mesmerizing sermon on love, but he brought the 21s ...
Category: Religion Technology
Oklahoma has so many places to explore Native American culture that it will take two posts to get through them all. Here are more sites in Oklahoma that are dedicated to the native people of the Americas. Spiro Mounds A ...
Category: Environment Religion
In the 19th century, many Native Americans across North America were relocated to the territory known today as Oklahoma. The state’s name comes from Choctaw words meaning “red people.” Over 25 Native Am ...
Category: Religion
A California appeals court upholds a lower court ruling that Sun Worshiping Atheism is not a religion in the state's eyes. A former employee sued the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation for religious ...
Category: Religion Citizens Rights Freedom from Religion