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In 2017, Phoenix was ranked as the 5th most populous city in the United States. It’s also the only state capital with a population of more than a million, although Austin is very close at 950,000+. Most people cons ...
Category: Spirituality
Need more inspiration for reading about Native American culture? Here are seven more books that will delight readers of all genders. Some are about the myths and legends of the Native American people and others are conte ...
Category: School
Albert Einstein said, “Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.” Giving kids a look at history through the eyes of people who were there can help them retain the info ...
Category: School
September is back-to-school month. Parents everywhere are jumping up and down that kids can get back to a routine. About one month in, those same parents may be looking back at summer and remembering the lazy, carefree d ...
Category: Health and Wellness School
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention reports that suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S. On average, there are about 123 suicides per day. Consider that AFSP estimates there are 25 attempts for ...
Category: Health and Wellness Science
Researchers with the London School of Economics (LSE) conducted an experiment with 487 adults aged 18 to 49. Participants were asked about the shows they watched, magazines they read and their attitudes about welfare and ...
Category: Morality Science Technology
Madison is the capital of Wisconsin. It’s not the biggest city in the state; that honor goes to Milwaukee. But Madison has something that Milwaukee doesn’t — the University of Wisconsin. Madison has bee ...
Category: Religion
In July, the State Department hosted its first-ever Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom. Over 350 activists and government leaders from 80 countries came together to identify global challenges to religious freedom, ...
Some find humor in religious belief and love to share jokes. Others point to the apparent dangers of the over-zealous religious faithful and hope to put an end to religion as a force in people's lives. Still others con ...
Category: Religion
King James I inherited a mess when he ascended to the throne of England. The Church of England, Puritans and Catholics were at odds with each other. One big problem was the previous translation of the Bible. James conven ...
Category: Religion Christianity