ULC Blog - Page 77

Thanksgiving is a time when many get together with family, spend time together, and reflect on what they are thankful for. As Thanksgiving week comes to a close, you are likely reflecting on the blessings in your life. ...

Category: Holidays and Observances Morality

Once Halloween is over, many people start focusing on Christmas. You might hear Christmas music playing on the radio, see Christmas displays in stores, and watch Christmas commercials on television. This is also the ti ...

Category: Holidays and Observances Superstitions

Thanksgiving may not be known for its music, as the holiday usually gets overshadowed by Christmas songs. Here are six traditional Thanksgiving hymns to add to your playlist. “We Gather Together” This hymn ...

Category: Holidays and Observances

Milwaukee is known for its brewing history, with German immigrants bringing beer to the area. The Milwaukee Brewers are fighting for a spot in the World Series this year. It’s not a city that is usually considered ...

Category: Religion ULC Topics

October is Pastor Appreciation Month. It’s admirable to want to make sure your pastor is appreciated, but one month can’t undo the damage of the rest of the year. Pastors are especially prone to burnout and e ...

Category: Religion

The first Thanksgiving is highly romanticized. In fact, the New York Times ran an editorial last year titled “Most Everything You Learned About Thanksgiving Is Wrong.” The author, Maya Salam, blames watered-d ...

Category: Holidays and Observances

As one of the original 13 colonies, New Hampshire is the fifth-smallest state in the country. It’s known for skiing and other winter sports, fall foliage and summer cottages. New Hampshire is home to Dartmouth Coll ...

Category: Religion

One of the hardest jobs is being a clergy. No, it's not physically stressful. Emotionally and spiritually, your pastor does so much for your church. Much of which you never see or hear about. Essentially, this man or w ...

Category: Religion

As the holidays approach, you’re probably gearing up for making special meals and dishes for events. Let’s take a look at some of the church’s saints that protect cooks, bakers, housewives and more. Sa ...

Category: Holidays and Observances Religion

As the holidays approach, everyone’s schedule gets really busy. If you’re one of the 43.5 million informal caregivers in the United States who provides unpaid care to a family member with a disability or illn ...

Category: Aid Health and Wellness