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Archaeology doesn’t always get the press it deserves. That could be because it’s very difficult to date historical artifacts. Maybe it’s because history just isn’t that exciting. But these archaeo ...
Category: Religion Religious Items Science
Whether you set new year’s resolutions or goals for January, it’s easy to give up. Only about 8 percent of people will follow through with their resolutions after February. If you need some help sticking it o ...
Category: Religion Spirituality
Abram is considered one of the greatest biblical prophets. He is the patriarch of three religions: Judaism, Islam and Christianity. He plays a major role in the book of Genesis. Let’s take a look at his life and wh ...
Category: Biblical Interpretation Religion
Every four years during the presidential election, Iowa makes headlines. Des Moines, the capital city, is the site of the first caucuses of the primary. Although Iowa isn’t one of the largest states or most populou ...
Category: Religion Spirituality
Here in the United States, we think of January 1 as New Year's Day. You might watch the Rose Parade and the Rose Bowl while enjoying Hoppin' John, a traditional dish of black-eyed peas and rice. Maybe you have your own ...
Category: Holidays and Observances
The Church of England recently published guidelines for “Pastoral Guidance for use in conjunction with the Affirmation of Baptismal Faith in the context of gender transition.” It’s an interesting develo ...
Category: Religion Christianity
It's the end of the year again, the time when many people sit down and reflect on the events of the last year. Of course, some things were good and some were bad, and you have probably drawn your own conclusion as to whe ...
Category: Holidays and Observances
The holiday season will be coming to an end next week, and as the New Year starts, many people seem to find themselves in a funk. If you are in an area where the weather is bad, you may be experiencing cold weather, mak ...
Category: Health and Wellness Holidays and Observances
Even if you’re one of those die-hard “the only resolution I make is to not make resolutions” people, you’re probably thinking about how you can make 2019 even better than 2018. New year’s re ...
Category: Holidays and Observances
During December, there's no shortage of Christmas movie lists. We all have our favorites, whether it's a classic like "Miracle on 34th Street," or a newer movie, "The Santa Clause," but these movies are typically put as ...
Category: Holidays and Observances