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The holiday season will be coming to an end next week, and as the New Year starts, many people seem to find themselves in a funk. If you are in an area where the weather is bad, you may be experiencing cold weather, mak ...
Category: Health and Wellness Holidays and Observances
Even if you’re one of those die-hard “the only resolution I make is to not make resolutions” people, you’re probably thinking about how you can make 2019 even better than 2018. New year’s re ...
Category: Holidays and Observances
During December, there's no shortage of Christmas movie lists. We all have our favorites, whether it's a classic like "Miracle on 34th Street," or a newer movie, "The Santa Clause," but these movies are typically put as ...
Category: Holidays and Observances
As you’re thinking about New Year’s resolutions and making changes to your life, consider one of these inspirational books that will help you take the next steps. "The Wisdom of Sundays: Life-Changing Insigh ...
Category: Spirituality
It seems like one of the primary focuses of Christmas nowadays is gift giving. You have likely heard of the craziness that ensues in many stores during Black Friday sales, or perhaps you have been to a Black Friday even ...
Category: Holidays and Observances
In 2016, Travel & Leisure named Savannah, Georgia, number 5 on their “Best Cities for Culture in the United States” list. The city is the oldest in the state of Georgia, established in 1733. During the Am ...
Category: ULC Topics
Harvard University’s Study of Adult Development followed over 800 people from youth to old age to figure out what works to make a happy life. The researchers actually took data from three different studies to find ...
Category: Health and Wellness Science
Houston is making headlines after former President George H. W. Bush died. His body will lie in repose at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, which is reportedly the largest Episcopal congregation in North America. St. ...
Category: Religion
When a gunman killed 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue, it wasn’t just the Jewish community that was shook. Americans across the country, regardless of faith, were dismayed at the horror. The hate crime was obvio ...
Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus. Much of the Christmas story focuses on his mother, Mary, but there’s another important woman who played a role in the birth of Christ. She doesn’t get a lot of press i ...
Category: Religion Christianity