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The seven virtues are the opposite of the seven deadly sins. The cardinal values are prudence, justice, temperance and courage, while the three theological virtues are faith, hope and charity. Over the next few posts, le ...
Category: Religion Spirituality ULC Topics
Chris Pratt recently announced that he was doing the Daniel Fast. The Daniel Fast is based on Daniel, a prophet from the Old Testament. Daniel’s most famous story is when he was in the lion’s den. Daniel was ...
Category: Biblical Interpretation Religion
In December, the New York Times printed an article in the Sunday Review called “Internet Church Isn’t Church.” The author makes the point that coming together with others is the point of going to servic ...
Category: Religion
Americans remember Martin Luther King in January. February is African American History Month. Add these songs to your playlist to start a discussion about civil rights, race and resistance in your community. John Legend ...
Category: Equal Rights Freedom Social Equality Social Justice
On the third Monday of January, Americans remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Movies don’t always portray him accurately, but they are a good place to start learning more about his life.
Category: Equal Rights Freedom Politics Social Justice
Practically everyone remembers the song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas." What a lot of people forget is that the 12th day is an important date in the Christian calendar. It's the day that remembers the Wise Men's visit ...
Category: Holidays and Observances Religion Christianity
Addressing race and racism isn’t always easy, but studies show that children as young as three years old can recognize bias and prejudice. Kids may not have the vocabulary to talk about racism, so it’s up to ...
Category: Freedom Human Rights Social Equality
Wednesday is National Religious Freedom Day. While this has been a holiday celebrated for quite some time, this year it seems to hold more weight. Never have we had more controversy over religious freedom than over the l ...
Category: Freedom Freedom of Religion Religion
In 1908, Father Paul Wattson conceived an idea known as the Octave of Christian Unity. Wattson is one of the cofounders of the Graymoor Franciscan Friars, a branch in the Catholic Church. He wanted the church to focus on ...
Category: Religion Christianity
On January 30, 1948, the world stopped for a few minutes when it was announced that Mahatma Gandhi had been assassinated. A New York Times editorial called Gandhi a “saint.” Albert Einstein wrote, “He d ...
Category: Holidays and Observances Morality