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Strong men and women are the backbone of the Marvel Universe and DC Comics. Wonder Woman, Superman, Wolverine and the Hulk are characters that have pulled even the non-comic book fans to their movies in record numbers. B ...
Category: Religion
If you’re looking to diversify your reading list, Black History Month is a great time to pick up a book by an African American author who you may not have heard about. Toni Morrison, Ralph Ellison and Alex Haley ar ...
Category: Holidays and Observances
From the time you’re little, you learn about fairness and justice. You probably learned about taking turns at the drinking fountain when you were in kindergarten. When you played games like Candy Land or Chutes and ...
Category: Politics Religion Spirituality ULC Topics
Chris Rock once said, “There are only three things women need in life: food, water, and compliments.” Naturally he was joking, but there’s a bit of truth in that statement. Compliments boost morale. The ...
Category: Blessings
While human societies throughout history have marked time by the passage of the sun and the change of the seasons, modern global society has come to agree on a civil calendar by which nearly all people in the world are u ...
Category: Holidays and Observances Religion
Even older cars have a warning light to tell you when the gas tank is getting low. Ignore that little light and you risk a hazardous situation that could have been easily fixed. Running out of gas is not only inconvenien ...
Category: Health and Wellness Science
February is Black History Month. Get out your streaming app and find some new tunes to listen to this month to appreciate the people who changed the music industry. Mamie Smith Mamie Smith recorded the first blues song ...
Category: Freedom Holidays and Observances Human Rights Politics
We bet one of the first things that came to mind with this virtue was the temperance movement that led to Prohibition in 1920. John Wesley, founder of the Methodist Church, believed that drinking liquor was an evil to be ...
Category: Religion Spirituality ULC Topics
It’s that time of year when New Year’s resolutions begin to wane. Life gets in the way. Maybe you just didn’t know what you were thinking. If you made a resolution to read through the Bible this year an ...
Rudine Sims Bishop wrote, “Books are sometimes windows, offering views of worlds that may be real or imagined, familiar or strange. These windows are also sliding glass doors, and readers have only to walk through ...
Category: ULC Topics