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If you’re a thinker, the title of this article contains a flaw. The question assumes that there are differences between spirituality and religion. Sort of like the old question, “When did you stop beating you ...
Category: Religion Spirituality
Throughout the ages, ethics and religion have garnered considerable debate. At the one extreme are those who adamantly hold that ethics can only be derived from religion. At the other extreme are those who just as adaman ...
Music has always been a big part of weddings, and certainly of wedding receptions. In fact, music is often how you set the mood or tone for the entire day’s festivities. Consequently, the music that you choose is j ...
Category: Ceremonies Weddings
Praying regularly can have many positive effects on a person's health and wellbeing. From reducing stress to improving your attitude, here are just a few reasons why you should consider frequent prayer.
Category: Health and Wellness Christianity
Pride is a driving force in drama. Combine pride with ambition and greed and you can bring down the hero and/or villain. “Beauty and the Beast” opens with the Beast refusing to provide shelter for the old wom ...
Category: Morality Religion ULC Topics
In a long-anticipated move, the Republican-controlled Alabama Senate approved a measure that will, if signed into law by Republican Gov. Kay Ivey, virtually abolish abortion in the state. Any doctor who performs one will ...
For the world’s two billion Muslims, Ramadan is the Holy Month of each year. It is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, beginning when the new moon appears and ending when the next new moon appears. This year, ...
Category: Holidays and Observances Religion
Pride is defined as “a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.” Probably the most famous ...
Category: Morality Religion ULC Topics
The differing views held by conservative, centrist, and liberal factions of the United Methodist Church with regard to LGBT policies and practices appear to be coming to a head. At a St. Louis UMC conference in February, ...
Category: Politics Religion Social Justice
A new study published last month in Neuropsychologia links Christian fundamentalist beliefs to damage in the prefrontal cortex of people who adhere to this belief system. Jordan Grafinan of Northwestern University and a ...