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You hear the word soulmate bandied about a lot these days. Often it comes out of the mouth of a bride who believes, or at least wants to believe, that she is marrying the love of her life with whom she’ll live happ ...
Category: Spirituality Superstitions
Last week, in Part I of this series, we started exploring universal truths and listed five of them. This week in Part II, we talk about five additional universal truths. 6. Happiness Is a Fleeting Emotion Despite the f ...
Category: Uncategorized
It’s hard not to think that we’re alone in the world and that our thoughts, happiness, suffering, irritation, disappointment, etc., are unique only to us. We especially tend to believe this when things go wro ...
Category: Uncategorized
We’ve all had the experience. Something tells you that your child is in trouble and you race out into the back yard to discover him or her in the process of falling off the swing and scraping a knee. The youngster ...
Category: Science Superstitions
The book of Genesis in both the Hebrew and Christian Bible contains the story of God instructing Noah to build an ark so that he, his family, and two of every species of animal could escape the ravages of the coming worl ...
Category: Disasters Environment Religion
Believe it or not, around 4,200 different religions exist around the world. Some, like Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism, are well known and account for most of the world’s population. But never ...
Category: Religion Spirituality
As Americans become ever less religious, so too have our celebrated life milestones such as births, weddings, and funerals. Many of these celebrations are no longer held in a church, synagogue, or mosque, presided over b ...
Category: Ceremonies Funerals Freedom from Religion
If you and your fiancé chose an engagement ring and wedding ring combo, you already have the perfect wedding band to go with your engagement ring. Many couples nowadays, however, prefer to buy an engagement ring f ...
Category: Weddings
A new lawsuit filed by a former member of the Church of Scientology alleges that the organization engages in abuse, human trafficking, and forced labor. The plaintiff, listed only as Jane Doe, claims she grew up inside t ...
Category: Freedom Human Rights Religion
Anti-Semitism, the hatred of Jews and the hellacious acts that often accompany it, is nothing new. It’s been around almost since the beginnings of recorded history. Its most notable exemplification was the Holocaus ...
Category: Human Rights Morality Politics Judaism