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Sikhs around the world have pledged to plant 1 million trees this year to honor their religion’s founder, Guru Nanak, and help the planet at the same time. Headed by EcoSikh, an environmental group headquartered in ...
Category: Religion Spirituality
Just because religious affiliation continues to dwindle in America does not mean that the number of people desiring a more environmentally friendly and socially progressive country is likewise declining. Enter Nuns and N ...
The old Marilyn Monroe song assures us that “diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” But if you are a woman who has always preferred — gasp! — the luscious colors of gemstones to the fiery brill ...
Category: Weddings
If you’re an engaged or married woman, especially one newly engaged or married, your heart likely leaps every time you look down and see your sparkly ring(s) on your left hand. Not only are they beautiful, but they ...
Category: Uncategorized
Religion aside, taking a break on the Sabbath can be a good thing for your mental and physical well-being. It doesn’t really matter if you slow down on Saturday, Sunday or Tuesday, just make the practice work with ...
Deuteronomy 5:13 reads, “Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work…” In Hebrews 4:9, Paul wrote, “So th ...
Summer might be almost over, but it’s never too late to plan a vacation to take a spiritual retreat. Meditation and nature go together like peanut butter and jelly. You’ll experience the benefits of meditatio ...
Category: Health and Wellness Spirituality
Pew Research recently tested Americans’ knowledge about religion. Adults were asked 32 fact-based, multiple-choice questions about religion. Some questions were quite difficult, such as “What does the U.S. Co ...
This season may be coming to a close, but that doesn't mean you can't take a break from the fast pace of living this summer by picking up a book or two. Here are some newly published tomes that will give you a broader vi ...
Category: Equal Rights Human Rights Morality
In the never-ending debate over climate change and what, if anything, America should do about it, the Green New Deal, a resolution sponsored by two Democrats, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Sen. Ed Markey ...
Category: Environment Science