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Once upon a time, experts predicted that the speed of technology, robots and satellites would pose a huge problem for American businesses. However, without the gift of hindsight, the problem these “experts” predict ...
Category: Spirituality Christianity
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s so easy to get caught up in day-to-day responsibilities and technology. If you don’t have something you need to be doing now, you’re thinking about something you could be doing i ...
Category: Religion Christianity
For the majority of the world, the 46 days leading up to Easter are just like any other. For devout Christians and Catholics, however, the period is characterized by little indulgence and unwilling sacrifice. It is the p ...
Category: Holidays and Observances Christianity
The Indonesian Health Minister shocked many when he said that his government is relying on the power of prayer to keep coronavirus off Indonesian soil. And he's not the only one relying on God to keep his nation safe.
Category: Science
The Bayview Park Cross in Pensacola, Florida can stay, per a new Appeals Court ruling. They ruled that, given the cross's long tenure in the park, it's no longer a religious symbol, but a neutral symbol of the community.
Category: Freedom from Religion
Whether you’re exploring a new religion or just curious as to why half your coworkers and acquaintances decide to fast at the same time every year, you may want to learn more about Lent. What is it, what is Ash Wednesd ...
Category: Holidays and Observances Christianity
If your child, regardless of age, has chosen to leave the Church of Latter-day Saints, you may feel burdened by his or her decision. You may also feel that the decision is a failure on your part. Could you have done more ...
Category: Morality Spirituality Christianity
As of 2019, 39% of heterosexual couples reported having met their significant others online. More than half of Americans have used an online dating service, and nearly three-quarters of single adults say they believe tha ...
Category: Religion Christianity
Over the past two decades, tens of thousands of survivors have come forward with their stories of sexual abuse at the hands of Catholic clergymen. Though the pervasiveness of the problem suggests that it is intricately a ...
Category: Morality Christianity
Whether you’re into alternative medicine or not, you’ve likely heard of crystal healing. Crystal healing refers to an alternative healing technique that involves using crystals and stones to cure disease and protect ...
Category: Health and Wellness Superstitions