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News of the death of George Floyd, an unarmed African American man in Minneapolis who died while being detained by a police officer, quickly spread across the United States and the world, leading to widespread outrage an ...
Category: Equal Rights Human Rights Religion Social Justice
While there is understandably a lot of focus and concern around everybody's physical health these days, emotional health is another important part of well-being that may be deeply affected by the challenges brought on by ...
While the world struggles with a global pandemic, it may seem like almost everything else has been put on hold. Unfortunately, political tension and conflict still exist and may be made even more complicated by the dange ...
Category: Politics Religion Political and Religious Controversy
As churches have navigated the sudden changes in structure brought on upon by the outbreak of COVID-19, a lot of interesting observations have been made. The creative changes to traditional church activities may at first ...
Category: Religion Science Technology
Summer beach reading season doesn’t have to be postponed because the beach is closed. Simply put a lawn chair in the backyard, slap on some sunscreen and enjoy the great outdoors. Looking for some interesting books for ...
Category: Uncategorized
Two very interesting cases have been in the process of going through the Supreme Court in recent months. Both of them involve big questions about the intersection of religious and legal rights, and the outcomes may chang ...
Category: Freedom of Religion Politics Freedom from Religion
One interesting result of novel coronavirus outbreaks in the United States is that some churches have taken the prohibition against gathering to court, claiming that being denied the right to gather is an infringement of ...
Category: Equal Rights Freedom Freedom of Religion Politics
The dinner table has long been the place where parents could impart their values to their children, strengthen their bond as a family and ultimately unite their family in love. Unfortunately, the family dinner is a fast- ...
Category: Health and Wellness
“Being clean is a sign of spiritual purity or goodness … cleanliness is next to godliness.” This sentiment was uttered by John Wesley in a sermon over two centuries ago, yet it is still being espoused today as a vi ...
Category: Biblical Interpretation Be a Minister
Pilgrimages have historically been a powerful tool for people looking to deepen their faith. Unfortunately, with the novel coronavirus affecting almost every aspect of life, it may be nearly impossible to gather in the u ...
Category: Religion