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During the holidays, there are a lot of traditions that make the season bright. Eating a big meal around a table full of loved ones, waking up early to excited children on Christmas morning and sharing a batch of hot coc ...
Category: Holidays and Observances
If you regularly welcome people into your home, you probably have a great setup in your guest room already. You make sure there are extra blankets, a charging station by the bedside and plenty of reading material just in ...
Category: Holidays and Observances
In many areas of the country, churches that shut down during the first wave of COVID-19 outbreaks have moved back to in-person services and now may be shutting down again. Some members are likely to be uncomfortable with ...
Do you have too much to do and not enough time? Even with so many people staying home due to COVID-19 restrictions, it still seems as if most Americans “rush and rush until life’s no fun.” Stopping to smell the ros ...
Category: Health and Wellness
The period of the year between late November through December isn't known for its ease and tranquility. Students and teachers are rushing to finish up the semester before a well-deserved break. Families are preparing the ...
Category: Holidays and Observances
When the holiday season approaches, many people start looking forward to their favorite traditions. Others, however, start to feel a sense of impending dread along with the excitement. When your anticipation of the upcom ...
Category: Uncategorized
Five months ago, on Saturday, July 18, a Buddhist monk in a temple in North Carolina was shot and killed. The bullet that killed him was fired from outside and hit him after going through the wall of the temple. Whether ...
Category: Buddhism
During an election year, you may hear a lot of overlap between religious leaders and politicians. People of varying beliefs claim that certain people running for office offer more to those who believe in God. They may ev ...
Historically, the United States has allowed for around 81,000 refugees to be admitted into the country every year. These are often religious minorities or similarly discriminated-against people fleeing from some of the w ...
Even if you couldn't make it to the beach for a day of summer reading this year, you can still pick up a great diversity of books that will help open your eyes to the experiences of others. Joy Harjo — Poet Laureate ...
Category: Human Rights