ULC Blog - Page 36
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Mutual aid groups often spring up as grassroots movements that seek to meet the needs of communities at the local level. Mutual aid can take many forms beyond what one may consider the typical routes.
Your church should be a positive force within your community, but people also come to church to form interpersonal connections with others. Rather than focusing on the big picture, spend some time in small groups.
Category: Religion
Goats get a bad rap in the Bible, both metaphorically and literally. But goats can represent a shortcoming of Christianity; picking out groups to be shunned and ostracized does not embrace the message of Jesus.
Category: Religion
Many people are not as open-minded as they like to think they are, or once were. If you value your image of yourself as a reasonable individual, try taking some steps to stay as open-minded as you strive to be.
Category: Health and Wellness
Reading has many benefits, including reduced stress, improved memory, and even increased positivity and empathy. If you're in a reading rut, you may want to consider
Category: Health and Wellness
Hosting an open mic night is a great way to help members of your congregation to come out of their shells and express creative talents that may otherwise go unnoticed, strengthening the relationships among members.
Category: Religion
In 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the CARES Act was estabilshed to provide financial relief to certain small businesses, non-profits, and churches. But should churches turn down this assistance on principle?
Category: Politics Religion Political and Religious Controversy
Countries like Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos were just a few of the countries in Southeast Asia that fared better than average in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Could their large Buddhist populations play a part?
Category: Buddhism
The Universal Life Church makes obtaining a wedding officiant certificate to perform weddings a breeze! From getting ordained to performing the actual wedding, the ULC's here to help you at every step along the way.
Category: Online Ordination
In parts of southern Pakistan, Hindus are feeling pressure to convert to Islam, and there is some debate as to whether the conversions were forced, voluntary, or somewhere in between.
Category: Politics Religion Political and Religious Controversy