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It is natural to want to protect the people you love. Parents do everything they can to keep their children safe and on the path toward growth. Friends stand up for each other. You may avoid extreme risks to ensure the s ...
Your church probably has a lot to offer everyone who comes in the door. Taking steps to ensure that all people can access the building and services is a vital step in extending hospitality. You may not always do everythi ...
Many communities of faith have feast days and yearly rituals that they observe. For Christian denominations that follow the liturgical calendar every year, each season has its own color, significance and traditions. The ...
Category: Religion Spirituality
Guarding against wastefulness is a common practice among communities of faith. As climate change continues to threaten the safety and future of humanity, many leaders such as Pope Francis call on their religions' followe ...
Category: Morality
Faith communities, particularly in Western cultures, tend to focus on aspects of spiritual well-being. While strengthening faith is certainly a noble pursuit, it is also important to keep a broader view of the whole pers ...
Category: Spirituality
The mark of a healthy organization is its ability to grow in new directions. This can be more difficult than it seems on the surface. Your congregation likely has clear ideas of what it expects from the church, and any a ...
Category: Politics Spirituality
Stress is an unavoidable part of life; in fact, some stress can even be good for you. But if you don't handle stress well it can quickly become overwhelming, so learning to complete the cycle of stress is important.
Category: Health and Wellness
Keeping up to speed during a church service can be hard for anyone at times, but especially so for those who are deaf or hard of hearing. Fortunately, there are steps your church can take to make services accessible.
Category: Religion
The process of finding a new church is very different than it was ten years ago. Nowadays, most people research online rather than in person, so churches need to make sure that information is conveyed effectively.
Category: Religion
Trying to bridge the gap between people of different faiths can be a daunting task. Even if you can identify some shared core values, the way you express those values may appear to be in opposition with another's express ...
Category: Religion Christianity