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- Weddings
Faith is a fundamental part of many people's lives. It provides a lens through which they see the world. It offers comfort in difficult times and multiplies joy during happy occasions. There are basic aspects of one's sp ...
Category: Spirituality
While many elements contribute to a wedding celebration, the ceremony is the main event. After all, you can’t get legally married without it. And as with any ceremonial practice, words are needed to convey the meaning. ...
Category: Weddings
There are many different personality tests on the market. Some people enjoy taking online assessments just to pass the time, but certain tests can actually tell you a lot about yourself and help you make important decisi ...
Category: Health and Wellness
You know that taking time to recharge is important. Regular rest is vital for your overall well-being. Even if you schedule frequent downtime, however, you may still feel lethargic and overtaxed. If that is the case, y ...
Category: Health and Wellness
Meeting with your faith community for services may feel like a fresh drink of water every week. Where do you go for camaraderie and encouragement the rest of the week, though? While turning to the divine is helpful, so ...
Category: Uncategorized
Getting married is an important decision in many people's lives, and the person they choose to officiate the ceremony can help make the day even more special. If you feel called to help others express their love and make ...
Category: Online Ordination ULC Topics
Most parents and teachers can attest to the benefits of play for children. It stimulates their minds and bodies and helps them grow. What many people forget is that the need for play doesn't end with childhood. Adults al ...
Category: Health and Wellness
Whether it's a television, phone, computer, or tablet, there's no question that many of us spend most of the day looking at a screen. Here are some tips if you want to limit screen time and be more present in the moment.
Category: Health and Wellness
Having a new baby on the way is certainly something to celebrate. Friends and family get excited about this new person who will be joining their lives soon, and they want to shower the parents-to-be with gifts. A baby sh ...
Category: Uncategorized
Many homeowners consider decluttering a normal part of their spring cleaning list. The whole family bands together to get rid of excess belongings that may have better uses elsewhere. Even if you grew up with complicated ...
Category: Health and Wellness