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Most people have goals that they want to accomplish in life. You may make New Year's resolutions at the start of each January. Perhaps you have a bucket list of the big things you want to make sure you do before you die. ...
Category: Spirituality
The desire to experience more joy in everyday life is pretty common among people of almost all faiths. Many religions consider joy to be proof of the presence of the divine. Unfortunately, it is also one of the things ma ...
Category: Spirituality
When storms and other catastrophes strike somewhere in the world, many people of faith feel powerless as they sit and watch the destruction from afar. Unless you are already a trained volunteer who is ready to be dispatc ...
A diverse church is a healthy church. People of all ethnic, racial, gender, sexual orientation and economic backgrounds should be welcome at worship services. Most churches go out of their way to ensure that everyone kno ...
Category: Social Equality
Attending a church service can be challenging for many reasons. Some people have specific music preferences, while others may be pickier about the content of the sermon. Many people have been hurt by a church in the past ...
Category: Morality Social Equality
Being the leader of a faith community in any capacity can be both rewarding and stressful. No matter how dedicated you are to your work, at some point, it's healthy to take a break. A sabbatical is an extended break (usu ...
Category: Health and Wellness
https://getordained.org/blog/unity-ceremonies-101-symbolizing-your-lovehttps://www.themonastery.org/blog/peta-creates-cruelty-free-vegan-bible-versionUniversal Life Ministers can solemnize Christian, Islamic, Jewish, Bud ...
Category: Ceremonies
Many people take time once a year to do some deep cleaning on their homes, cars and workspaces. It feels good to have everything organized and in its proper place. You can get the same feeling from sorting out your digit ...
Category: Uncategorized
Many neighborhoods have community Facebook groups to buy, sell or trade unwanted items. The Buy Nothing Project takes this concept a step further, supporting communities that offer everything for free to other locals in ...
Category: Uncategorized
People of faith often look for ways to be a source of good in the world, and they seek experiences that bring themselves joy. That may even be why you joined your church. While the people with whom you worship probably p ...
Category: Aid