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One of the simple pleasures in life is reading a good book. Having fun is reason enough to want to read more often, but that doesn't mean it's the only perk. Other than enjoyment, there are many benefits of reading: Co ...
Category: Health and Wellness
When crimes are reported in the news, a common gut reaction of the public is that we need tighter control and more police presence. This response is somewhat understandable; people want to feel as if there is someone out ...
Category: Social Justice
Various world religions include community support as one of their basic tenets of belief. It is easy, however, for churches to become insulated against the problems of their cities and the world at large. In an effort to ...
Category: Religion
Being given the job of officiating a wedding can be very exciting. In order to go above and beyond for the couple who asked you to take on this task, you need to be prepared in every respect for the duties of your statio ...
Category: Perform a Wedding Become Ordained Online
Many people make a lot of effort to stimulate their minds and spirits. They seek out wise counsel and look for opportunities to learn new things. Taking care of your body is just as important, though. It's never too late ...
Category: Health and Wellness
Most people want to make the right choices for their lives and families. Making decisions comes more easily to some people than to others, though. Learning how to get yourself out of the stressful rut of indecisiveness c ...
Category: Health and Wellness
So you've been asked by friends to officiate at their wedding. You're entrusted with a great honor and responsibility. You may be a little nervous about the whole prospect. Perhaps you have questions such as, "How much d ...
Category: Weddings
As a new year approaches, many people reflect on what they want to accomplish during it. Many resolutions go unmet by the end of the year, though. This may be due in part to unreasonable expectations, but there may also ...
Category: Health and Wellness
Parenting undoubtedly brings immeasurable joy to your life. Watching your children learn new things about the world and carve their places in it is its own special kind of magic. Many people list parenthood as the most ...
Category: Health and Wellness
Many church leadership teams have great ideas about how to market the church to entice visitors. Real growth happens when those who are curious choose to stay, though. Here are a few habits to build and pitfalls to avoid ...
Category: Uncategorized