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Busy days can be both physically and socially exhausting. It is easy to come home at the end of the day, close the front door, and shut everyone out. While this may be a necessary boundary to set occasionally, there is e ...
Category: Health and Wellness
Many religions exhort their followers to care for the people around them. Whether they call them neighbors or the less fortunate or some other variation of the general sentiment, it's expected that people of faith want t ...
Category: Aid
Joining a faith community is a great way to explore your beliefs and develop a deeper understanding of your religion. It can also have several other benefits too. As with any social group, your church can provide emotion ...
Category: Health and Wellness
Many people have strong opinions about Valentine's Day. If they are in healthy relationships, they may love the excuse to shower their significant others with gifts, or they may dread the idea of not living up to the exp ...
Category: Uncategorized Health and Wellness Holidays and Observances
When people ask you how you feel, you probably have a clear sense of how to answer. If you've been ill, you can give them an update on your physical health and thank them for their concern. When you have undergone stress ...
Category: Health and Wellness
If your church is interested in labor issues and advocacy, you probably talk often about supporting fair trade. There are economic, social and environmental standards that organizations must meet in order to be fair-trad ...
Category: Social Justice
Every city has unique issues that require civic involvement. Many people of faith want to help those who are in need, but they may not know where to start. If your city has a large homeless population, the challenges fac ...
Category: Social Justice
When people wrong you, it is natural to feel angry or hurt. Forgiving them may seem unfair at first, especially if they do not acknowledge what they've done or show any remorse. Over time, however, holding on to grudges ...
Category: Health and Wellness
When the weather warms up, many people want to spend more time outside. You may see attendance at services dwindle a bit as families take weekend hikes or go camping over the weekend. When they return, the stories they t ...
Category: Environment
When loved ones die, the task of planning the funeral often falls on those closest to them. This can be an overwhelming process. Grief can make even the simplest tasks more difficult, and planning a funeral is not always ...
Category: Funerals