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College offers a lot of new opportunities and experiences. For many people, it also marks the end of certain habits, such as going to church. It's easy to assume this can never happen to you, especially if you are heavil ...
Category: Religion
Many people of faith start the new year with a list of resolutions. Then, after a couple of months of trying to make all these new habits stick, they find themselves reverting to their usual way of doing things. While it ...
Category: Christianity
Today's culture does not praise the meek. It encourages competition, measuring success by how much money or power a person gains. Society does not often consider quiet endurance to be the best course of action. Even the ...
Category: Jesus Christ
It's easy to get caught up in the practicalities of everyday life, but cultivating a sense of awe or wonder is important, too. It improves your mental health and helps you maintain a more generous perspective. Here are s ...
Category: Spirituality
You've probably heard many tips on how to have more inner peace. You may have a daily meditation practice and a self-care regimen that works well for you. At some point, though, you must leave the serene surroundings of ...
Category: Spirituality
For many people of faith, prayer and meditation are fundamental elements of their spiritual practice. It's also common for them to experience seasons when they don't know what to pray or when their meditation feels stagn ...
Category: Spirituality
One of the traditional functions of a pastor in many churches is counseling those who are going through hard times. Pastors also often refer congregants to specialists when problems extend beyond the scope of their exper ...
Category: Health and Wellness
Fear is a common human experience. You don't have to let it keep you from doing what you want to do or living a full life, though. Once you learn to face your fears, you discover the courage of moving forward in spite of ...
Category: Health and Wellness
Life can be hard to navigate sometimes. You may have a solid plan that gets derailed by an unexpected turn of events. Your children may not be connecting with their teachers or other leaders and start acting out as a res ...
Category: Aid
You have probably heard how important it is to have a morning ritual or an evening routine. De-stressing at the start and end of your day can have multiple benefits. It improves your focus and makes your day run more smo ...
Category: Health and Wellness