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by: Kate Hawkes In my first ULC guest blog, I am jumping right into the heart of my current work. This has been a year of emergence into transformation. After a limbo period, I have now shed potential partners like snak ...
Category: Health and Wellness
by: Bruce Magnotti Faith and belief are words that have lost their deep meaning in our language. This article is an attempt to regain some of that depth and understand why these concepts were so important to Jesus and t ...
Category: Freedom of Religion Religion Spirituality Bruce Magnotti Eastern Philosophy
by: Dan Shafer As a 30-year professional technologist and a lifelong student of spirituality, I am fascinated by the ways technology and spirituality intersect. I've been invited to share my thoughts on these subjects h ...
Category: Religion Spirituality Technology Dan Shafer
by Neal F. Cox, Guest Blogger I am a liberal. I freely admit it. In fact, I will admit to being so liberal I could make Edward Kennedy look like a Ronald Reagan clone. So if what I have to say offends you, simply becau ...
Category: Equal Rights Neal F. Cox Social Equality Social Justice Pagan
By Rev. Thaddeus Ping I am writing a few words about homosexuality and why it is neither sinful nor immoral. For the record I am completely heterosexual. I was raised as a Catholic, and in my younger years was much les ...
Category: Equal Rights Guest Blogger Human Rights Social Equality Thaddeus Ping
By: Steven Friedman - Guest Bloggger I heard the anxiety in my mother's voice when I announced some thirty years ago that I no longer believed in God. "Maybe you should talk to someone," she said. I was 19 and a sopho ...
Category: Guest Blogger Spirituality Steven Friedman Judaism
By: Wendy Rae - Guest ULC Ministries Blogger You Are Energy Did you know that your well-being vibrates and communicates to the universe and others in an invisible and undetected way? While raising your vibration has be ...
Category: Guest Blogger Spirituality
In 1911 The Order of the Eastern Star was founded to proclaim the coming of the World Teacher that had been sought by the Theosophical Society. In 1912 Krishnamurti, who had been born in 1895 into a modest Brahmin home i ...
Category: Guest Blogger Bruce Magnotti Eastern Philosophy
The fundamental rights put forth in the Constitution of the United States of America have been under assault since the document was ratified on September 17th, 1787 in Philadelphia. The Constitution was almost impossible ...
Category: Freedom Freedom of Religion Human Rights
The Jews greatly anticipated Christ's arrival as King. Throughout the Old Testament Scriptures prophets foretold of a Messiah that would save Israel from oppression and bring peace to the earth. Prophets uttered these pr ...
Category: Jesus Christ Christianity