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Pastors who have experienced scandals may be left with fewer sheep in their flock, but they are not left alone. It seems as though every day another pastor, priest or minister is plagued by a scandal. Call them pastor s ...
Category: Religion
Everyone knows how Lady Gaga feels about being gay. Repetitive and upbeat, she declares no matter "gay, straight or bi, lesbian or transgender life, you're on the right track baby. You were born to survive," in her new s ...
Category: Human Rights Social Equality
Watching the evening news, whether it is on the computer, cable or on-demand, you notice one consistency throughout the programming on every channel:Â America's obsession with a prolonged life. One may even ...
Category: Uncategorized
The hundreds of thousands of Universal Life Church Ministries ministers do more than officiate wedding ceremonies; many are called to the ULC‚ to help others. While some people get ordained online through the Univ ...
Category: Uncategorized
Left feeling a spiritual void after you failed to be raptured on the 21stof May? Unsure of where to take your spiritual journey between now and the next predicted end of the world in December of 2012? Why not go retro a ...
Category: Spirituality ULC Topics
He is unapologetic and fanatical in his argument against religion and religious fundamentalism. In his book, The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins seeks to refute the idea of a personal god. He concludes that there is absolu ...
Category: ULC Books
So this is it. The rapture 2011 is upon us. You have opened your sacramental wine, made your /21/2011: the Rapture](/assets/ulc/blog/scaled/ominous-street-sign.jpg){.alignright .size-medium .wp-image-1154 width=300 heigh ...
Category: Biblical Interpretation End of the World Jesus Christ
Bart D. Ehrman, a Biblical scholar has made the stale, albeit explosive, claim that the New Testament is forged in his aptly titled book, Forged. While some more devout Christian scholars have taken up virtual arms ag ...
Category: Science Christianity
Let's face it folks, your last meal should be a great one, offering your guests comfort but with enough razzle dazzle that they'll remember it till the end of their days. We're going with a Surf & Turf combo here bec ...
Category: Uncategorized
A staple in the libraries of astrologers and the astrologically curious, The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need has recently been updated and republished in order to be more applicable to today's reader. The revamped a ...
Category: ULC Books