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Bart D. Ehrman, a Biblical scholar has made the stale, albeit explosive, claim that the New Testament is forged in his aptly titled book, Forged. While some more devout Christian scholars have taken up virtual arms ag ...
Category: Science Christianity
Let's face it folks, your last meal should be a great one, offering your guests comfort but with enough razzle dazzle that they'll remember it till the end of their days. We're going with a Surf & Turf combo here bec ...
Category: Uncategorized
A staple in the libraries of astrologers and the astrologically curious, The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need has recently been updated and republished in order to be more applicable to today's reader. The revamped a ...
Category: ULC Books
One of the most well-known superstitions throughout the world is the mysticism surrounding Friday the 13th. The superstition spans across centuries, continents and cultures. From pre-Christian beliefs that Friday was a s ...
Category: Superstitions
After 33 years of debate, ranging from polite to contentious, the Presbyterian Church (USA) has voted to overturn a ban on gay clergy. This decision is in no way absolute however, it only states that congregations may al ...
Category: Equal Rights Social Equality Social Justice
With over 17 years of experience writing, reporting and editing, Joe Strupp is the quintessential "writer". He is known for covering and debating controversial topics, and not being afraid to lend his opinion. Highly reg ...
Category: Minister Profile
Since the beginning of time, man has speculated about the end of it. When would the world end? This has become a bit of a trending topic lately, as the Mayan calendar is speculated to end in 2012, and other religions for ...
Category: End of the World
For most of the world, the month of May means a transition from spring into summer. It means the beginning of picnics and sunshine and 3 whole months of bliss. For the nearly 1 million women who will be getting married t ...
Category: ULC Topics
The Heart of Tantric Sex Diana Richardson _"Tantra is love effort towards existence._ That is why so much of sex has been used by Tantra: because it is a love technique. It is not only love between man and woma ...
Category: ULC Books
In 2005, the Kansas State Board of Education held hearings to reconfigure how Evolution would be taught in the State's high school science curriculum. Unfortunately for high school students in Kansas the ...