ULC Blog - Page 130

As the burqa ban sweeps across Europe, Austria is allowing the little known tradition of upturned pasta strainers to appear on driver's licenses. After just two years of fighting, Niko Alm, an Austrian ma ...

Category: Freedom Freedom of Religion Politics Religion Citizens Rights

Gay marriage is more prevalent than ever, but how should couples navigate the big day? Marriage, a time honored tradition wrought with etiquette is beginning to change and expand. In honor of these changes, the Universa ...

Category: Gay Weddings Weddings

One by one, pastors call their followers to accept Jesus into their hearts. One by one, the sheep flock to the altar with their hands raised, allowing Him in. One by one those very same followers get into their car and f ...

Category: Christianity

My thoughts on reincarnation before reading this book: Probably not. My thoughts on reincarnation after reading this book: Probably not me? Similar to near death experiences, an experienc ...

Category: ULC Books

Why the ULC Ministries cannot stay silent on Pastor Richey's broken silence on gay marriage This is the third installment of the ULC Ministries's "Fear Blog" series where we highlight the ways in which fear is used in i ...

Category: Equal Rights Human Rights Morality Politics Social Equality

Should religion and politics mix? They inevitably will, but the question is where and how. A debate has been raging, a "culture war" has been decreed and some are asking themselves "what would Jesus do?" while others ar ...

Category: Politics Religion

Chances are, if you are a member of an orthodox Judeo-Christian faith, you aren't familiar with a creepy cast member that is introduced in the Old Testament. The book of Genesis describes a type of being that lives in th ...

Category: End of the World Religion Science Spirituality Superstitions

Where two conversational taboos meet, Jim Wallis artfully crafts a painfully accurate discussion on America's shortcomings and the possibilities for change and improvements. Jim Wallis has done something big. He has com ...

Category: Religion ULC Books

Thousands of the ULC Ministries's ministers fulfill both military and ministerial duties. The Universal Life Church Ministries is renowned for helping everyday citizens of the United States and other countries become le ...

Category: Ceremonies Weddings

Famous "biblical" passages that are oft quoted but never actually found anywhere, on any page, of any bible. Before you get your free online ordination, here is something to remember before officiating a ceremony or giv ...

Category: Ceremonies Christianity