ULC Blog - Page 129

Conan O'Brien, the late-night talk show host and comedian, has been officially ordained by the Universal Life Church Ministries. As of October 21st 2010 he joins the ranks of our many celebrity ministers. Conan O'Brien ...

Category: Equal Rights Freedom Freedom of Religion Social Equality Weddings

Jesus said: "No one can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth." Matthew 6:24 Here in Seattle, we are ...

Category: Morality Politics

This last week was a tough one for those who oppose the death penalty on moral grounds: i.e. thou shalt not kill. We saw two very different men put to death in two southern states. These men and their circumstances cou ...

Category: Social Justice

Like the controversial "moral" issues of abortion and gay marriage, the debate concerning the usage of stem cells is not likely to subside any time soon. The argument pits two deeply-entrenched parties with firm ideolo ...

Category: Politics Christianity

History was made on July 24th, 2011 by the Pop Up Chapel and the ULC got to be there for it. Though we ordain hundreds of people every day, the Universal Life Church rarely gets to witness the weddings performed by our ...

Category: Equal Rights Gay Weddings

The Universal Life Church has been intrigued by "phantom Bible verses" and other phenomena that exemplify using religion to further human ends, here is Bart D. Ehrman's take on it. Prolific and provocative Bible Scholar ...

Category: Biblical Interpretation ULC Books Christianity

Ministers as young as four spread the word of God on new TV show At the age of just 21 months, Kanon Tipton of Grenada, MS spoke the word of God in front of his father's Pentecostal congregation, or at least according t ...

Category: Spirituality

Online-ordained ministers of the ULC are helping to make gay marriage a reality While straight men and women from across the country have become lawfully married thanks to the services of Universal Life Church Ministrie ...

Category: Gay Weddings

The seriously hot weather has been momentarily quelled, but fear of its return is imminent. New York began issuing gay marriage licenses while gay marriage protests filled the streets to combat it, but the one thing the ...

Category: Religion

by John Boswell Apparently, according to John Boswell, same sex unions used to be alright by the Catholic Church before the advent of science and such. He makes a compelling argument in "Same-Sex Unions in Pre-Modern E ...

Category: Jesus Christ Religion ULC Books