ULC Blog - Page 125

Where You Can Find The ULC's Ordination Certificate The Universal Life Church Ministries's ordination certificate can only be found in the Ministry Products section of , where all the forms of ministerial documentatio ...

Category: Online Ordination ULC Topics

Someone who is looking to get an ordained minister license has two options on how to do so. They can either attend a conventional bible college, theological school, or seminary or become legally ordained online through a ...

Category: Online Ordination

Elysia Skye and her sister, Arielle Haze are professional wedding officiants who received their ministry license from the Universal Life Church Ministries. Rev. Haze and Rev. Skye founded LA Wedding Woman and offer three ...

Category: Online Ordination

A concern frequently raised by those who are interested in becoming ordained online through the Universal Life Church Ministries pertains to what exactly our non denominational ordination means. These laypeople general ...

Category: Online Ordination

The ULC Ministries staff frequently receives questions about the legality of its online ordinations, and we can't blame the people who ask these questions for being a little curious or even apprehensive about them. Our ...

Category: Universal Life Church

At long last, the Universal Life Church Ministries staff has put together a list of classic and contemporary wedding music and has posted it on our website store. A collection of eleven classical pieces, featuring songs ...

Category: Universal Life Church

The ULC Ministries staff highly encourages its ministers to forward the following information to couples whose weddings they perform. The wedding itself is only an early step for couples as they get ready to start their ...

Category: Weddings

It is a commonly known fact that Superman is a symbol of "Truth, Justice, and the American Way", but to many Jewish Americans he represents something much, much more. As discussed in several recent NPR spots (which inspi ...

Category: Religion Judaism

The ULC Ministries staff is pleased to announce that it has corresponded with the county clerk's office of Knox County, Tennessee and the two parties have cleared up a miscommunication that, in the past, prevente ...

Category: Weddings

For the most part, the men and women from around the world who get ordained online through the Universal Life Church can do many of the things "conventional" ministers do in the United States. This is because our church ...

Category: Universal Life Church