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- Weddings
Despite the fact that Christmas has traditionally been considered a Christian holiday, the fact is the version we collectively celebrate is actually a combination of the traditions of many different religions and cultu ...
Category: Holidays and Observances
Christmas weddings are rather popular and there seems to be magic in the air this time of year. Many ULC ministers are happy to help beyond just officiating the wedding ceremony. If you will perform a wedding this C ...
Category: Holidays and Observances
The Catholic church seems to be undergoing a transformation led by Pope Francis. While we must admit that there is certainly room for more improvement, the gestures he has extended are more in line with Christian princip ...
Category: Christianity
You probably remember the waitress at a St. Louis Applebees who went public with the story that an influential local pastor had refused to tip her, writing "I give God 10%. Why do you get 18?" on the receipt in place of ...
Category: Morality
The ULC has played host to many weddings, including two mass events. One event was in New York City, and one in our home of Seattle. Both were incredibly rewarding and very stressful. We wanted to offer you a glimpse of ...
Category: Weddings ULC Topics
So you have everything in place for your wedding, and look forward to a lifetime of bliss. However, there are quite a few states that have some weird wedding laws (or at least laws to consider when planning a wedding) in ...
Category: Online Ordination Weddings Perform a Wedding
There are many common misconceptions about online ordination through the Universal Life Church (ULC) and this is to set the record straight. Some of these concerns stem from potential ministers' interactions with other c ...
Category: Online Ordination
There are a variety of holidays celebrated to remember the dead and as an interfaith minister of the ULC, you should explore their histories and the relationships between them. The holidays discussed here have influences ...
Category: Holidays and Observances
With Halloween fast approaching, we asked our ministers for their thoughts on the holiday. In particular, we asked our Wiccan ministers how they felt about the caricatures of witches with grotesque green faces that are s ...
Category: Holidays and Observances
So you have just received your official ordination and you are preparing to officiate your first ceremony. You may be a little nervous, but not to worry, even the most seasoned veterans get "cold feet"... just like the b ...
Category: Perform a Wedding